12 [the end]

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[ Warning: there is graphic and description death(s) written into this chapter! I have put a ⚠️ at the start, and at the end of the description so you know what to skip if needed. ]

The three of us sat at one of the tables in the mess hall, we had no other choice but to try and stop the curse. "Where are we even suppose to start" I glanced over at Tommy's dead body just lying there on the floor, how were we supposed to stop Sarah fier? And why did she want us dead so badly.

Suddenly there was a noise from the vents, a grunting sound almost. The three of us stood up once again and crept towards it. I didn't realize how stupid it was until we were already only a few feet away from the vent, this is exactly what gets people killed in horror movies, I thought to myself.

"Alice-" Cindy let out a sigh of relief and clung onto Alice, she was pushed off moments later, "be careful this thing is like a million years old."

"I got that bag a month ago" Cindy looked down at Alice's side to see her almost brand new purse, it was now obviously dirty.

"Not the bag you idiot."

"What is it then?" I finally piped up since no one else would. "Three guesses" Alice spoke out, before we were all gathered around a table again.

There was Sarah Fiers lost hand, lying on the table before us. It felt so strange just looking at it, something that had been so sacred since 1666.
This is exactly what we needed to stop the curse.

"We can end this now" I looked in the book we had taken from nurse lane earlier, I read again aloud so everyone was aware what needed to happen.
"We need to reunite her hand with the body..."

"Which is underneath the hanging tree?" Ziggy spoke as she pointed to the book, there was written "Sarah fier" around the tree. The hanging tree? You mean the place I've been sneaking away to all summer to read, or get alone time, I've been sitting above a witches corpse this entire time?

What the hell.
Nick would've gone crazy if he had seen any of this, speaking of nick, where even was he? Anna began to think, she hadn't seen him since he got axed in the leg, but she had been fighting for her life in the meantime.

"Okay- we just need to go to the hanging tree then" Alice stood up, she was  still limping from some sort of injury earlier.

Ziggy, Cindy, and I grabbed shovels, there were only three, I assumed Alice would stand back with her injury. "Hey where's mine?" Alice asked.

"No. You're staying here, I can't have you going out with that ankle" Cindy spoke to Alice, the two obviously had some sort of tension going on between them.

Alice hopped over to where her back was now facing the kitchen, she was trying to show she was just fine to go out and dig with us. Cindy was still adamant about her staying back.

"Listen, I have spent my entire life waiting for something like this-" Alice went on a rather heart felt rant, she ended it with the most perfect saying, "for Shadyside" we all repeated after her.

This was it,
We were going to beat the witches curse,

"ALICE!" Cindy yelled, loud footsteps could be heard trotting towards us. The short blonde headed girl, turned around just in time to be axed by the once "dead" Thomas Slater. She was struck directly in the chest, she fell to the ground immediately, it was safe to say Ziggy and I were too stunned to speak.
Cindy grabbed the shovel and hit Tommy, with his axe now fallen onto the floor, she dug it through his neck, it only took so much force until his head rolled off somewhere. All the while this went down, she screamed, "why won't you fcking die."

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