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Meanwhile the rest of us got sent back to cleaning up the camp, which was pointless as we were setting up for color wars anyway.

"This stuff won't come out" Cindy scrubbed the red gunk that was plastered all over the outhouse stalls,
"How did all this even get here?" She continued to scrub, clearly frustrated.

Tommy chuckled slightly, it wasn't very often that he would see Cindy this upset, she was usually cool and collected, some might even call her the perfect girl.

The couple was preparing for color wars tonight, it was a big event that the entire camp anticipated, there was also a mini series of games that led up to color war.

"Oh my g0d!" Cindy stood up as she saw her polo shirt now stained with the red moss, Tommy turned around, "only Cindy berman would clean an outhouse without thinking she'd get dirty"
He chuckled.

They were now both standing up, she playfully hit his chest, "hey that's not funny!"
Her tone was lightened as Tommy leaned in for a kiss, now both of their lips moved in sync while his hands wandered.

Cindy pulled away, "hey! What did we talk about." She made sure not to be too loud.
It was moments after that she realized Alice and Arnie weren't in the outhouse with them as well cleaning as they were assigned to do.

Another frustrated sigh came out before she began storming to the cabin where she knew they were staying, before she had even went inside she could hear music playing obnoxiously loud.

When Cindy barged inside the cabin, she was met with the horrifying sight of Alice and Arnie going at it with each other, she covered her eyes, "oh- oh my g0d."

They finished up quickly, both getting their clothes back on before Alice grabbed a cigarette that arnie had freshly lit.

"Can you just do your jobs? Some of us want to be here" cindys lips practically disappeared as she spoke.

"What are you gonna snitch on me again?" Alice leaned into towards Cindy, "snitch" she teased her again, it had been years since the two were friends, Alice made sure to never let her forget.

"Why don't you go to your friend nurse lane and get us some yellow jackets, and red birds?" Alice and Arnie took turns speaking as they each jumped in on what they wanted their hands on.

"No! I- I won't do that. Just do your jobs please!" Her tone was still stiff, only now she was speaking in a more high pitch tone.

She left the cabin as no progress was being made, and when she thought things couldn't get worse the first thing she was met with was Kurt storming to her path.

"Cindy berman that smell better be skunk" Kurt trailed off of subject about Ziggy pretty quickly when he could smell the lingering scent on Cindy.

"What about my sister?"
Meanwhile I had gone into the infirmary to see nurse lane, not too any surprise when I saw ziggy in there too getting her burn checked out.

"Nurse lane-" I stopped mid sentence before walking over to where they were sitting, nurse lane was getting a bandage out to wrap around ziggys arm.

"What do we have here?" Nurse lane directed her attention towards my arms, and quickly noticed my wrists, she clicked her tongue, "have a seat, I'll get you next"

I nodded before looking for a seat, nurse lanes office door was open so I crept in there, Ontario desk was a book.

"Witches lost hand?" I said to myself, you heard everyone in town talking about Sarah fier, but I hadn't ever met anyone that was actually invested in it all.

I flipped through a couple of pages, there were too many ancient signs to comprehend.

"Before the witches final breath, she found a way to cheat her death. By cutting off her wicked hand she kept her grip upon the land. She reaches from beyond the grave, to make good men her wicked slaves. She'll take your blood, she'll take your head.
She'll follow you until your dead."

"Anna?" A voice swiftly came through the door, I shut the book quickly and turned around. "Nurse lane you scared me." I chuckled softly, feeling relief.

"Let's get your wrist checked up."
I walked over and sat down across from her, she took my wrist into her hands and examined them, "what happened here?"

"Just messing around I guess." I don't think anyone involved wanted word to spread of what happened.

It wasn't long before nurse lane got my wrist bandaged up, Cindy came in and grabbed Ziggy, I suppose Kurt tattled on her again.

"Those should heal up within a few days, apply this ointment to them at night and you'll be fine."

"Thanks again nurse lane" I got up with the ointment now in my pocket and made my way to the door, I took another glance into her office where the book was, the words I read earlier still echoing in my mind.

I searched around camp for a little while trying to find Ziggy, she ended up being in our cabin.
"Did you see anything odd in Mary's office?"
I asked, hoping that maybe she had seen something too, Ziggy was the only other person I had met at camp that believed in the curse on Shadyside.

"Define odd."
She brushed her hair behind her ears and kicked her suitcase back underneath her bed.

"Sarah Fiers lost hand odd"...
"You saw the book too?"

"She'll take your blood, she'll take your head, she'll follow you until you're dead." I quoted quietly from the book.

"You don't think she'd have anything to do with this"- "no-" I cut ziggy off, we knew Mary better than that, or at least I hoped we did.



Hey guys! I'm sorry this chapter isn't the best, I am trying to draw out some of them, so the ending doesn't come so quick. And there might be a sequel 😏 but for right now I'm debating killing off the reader 😭🤞🏼 BUT that'll only come into play if there's a sequel to this book.
Much love xoxo.


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