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"So you're trying to say you want me to burn the camp flag with you?" Ziggy spoke as I began to gather supplies, I didn't need much other than gasoline and matches.

"Exactly."  I stood up off the ground, "I need you to get the ladder, we have one shot at this"
The camp flag wasn't far, it stood high and mighty at the camp entrance.

Once it hit nighttime the plan was on, Ziggy and I snuck out of our cabin and sped down to the camp entrance, there the flag blew in the wind,
"There she is" I took a moment to admire the way the glided with the wind.

"Put the ladder up" I signaled ziggy, while she did so I grabbed a match and the gasoline I had stored nearby, I lit the match, cupping it with my hand to make sure it didn't go out.
Here went nothing.

Flames went up before my eyes, there it was. The camp flag was actually burning, and it was because of me. It felt so good.

"gogogo" ziggy called out, making me hurry down the ladder even faster than I already was. We threw the supplies somewhere into the woods, quickly running back to our cabin before anyone could notice the flag was burning. The smell would soon infatuate the entire place.

By the time we had gotten back, both of us were out of breath.

"We actually f'cking did it" ziggy said, she seemed surprised. Maybe she thought nobody else other than her had the guts to vandalize this place.

"A woman of my word I must say" I brushed the debris off my pants, we creaked the door to the cabin, I quickly realized we'd smell like smoke if we didn't change our clothes. I removed my clothes, sliding them underneath my bed, I'd take care of them in the morning.

"What are you-" Ziggy and I made contact, the only thing being the moonlight shining through the window onto my skin.

"Getting rid of the clothes...so the smoke doesn't linger on them" I crossed my hands in front of my stomach, I watched in surprise as ziggy did the same, our eyes glued together again.

A shiver went down my spine.

"We should probably get into bed" I swallowed the sudden lump in my throat.

Ziggy let out a slight laugh, "my beds soaking wet, thanks to a few sunnyvalers earlier, they love pranks" she spoke over sarcastically.

"My beds always open" I rubbed the back of my neck, I could feel my cheeks turning red, I got into bed, not even bothering to get pajamas on. Only a few moments had passed by until I felt ziggy climb into bed next to me.

"Night" she rolled over,
on the other hand I stared at her back for a few moments before facing the wall.

Within what seemed like the flicker of a light switch it was morning.

There hadn't been any sudden commotion that woke me up, no campers screaming over the burnt flag. Maybe no one had found it yet.

Not long after I had gotten dressed was ziggy awake, we talked until something strange came over me.
Not only was there no campers screaming or messing around, there was no campers period.

"Where is everybody?" I went outside the cabin, even as I walked into the more populated areas of the camp, nobody was found.

"What the he11" I couldn't help but feel uneasy, that was until I heard a familiar voice in the mess hall. I hurried to the doors, no longer doubting where everyone was.

Turns out this morning was full of interrogations by the camp counselors to see who burned their precious flag. Moments after ziggy and I had entered the mess hall campers who had already been questioned fled out.

"What's going on here" ziggy asked with her arms crossed. "Questioning" I nudged her, knowing she'd most likely get the message.

I was surprised they had taken such a heavy precaution to this, being they had never done anything of the sort before.

"Winnifred you're over here" I heard someone call out my last name. I guess I'm up.

I looked around the room to see who had called me over for question, when the only person not interrogating anybody was nick I assumed it was him. I sat in front of him.

"I'm gonna guess you know what's going on here"
He held a firm tone.

"Not really, kind of got thrown into this"

"Someone burnt the camp flag last night, we just want to find out who did it"

I went along with the vague questions nick had asked me, chances were none of the other campers were going to admit, or even have a clue who did it, so we were in the clear.

"Can I go now?" I held my hands on my thighs, waiting to get up and leave.

Nick nodded his head, the look in his eyes was cloudy, we made eye contact once more before I walked out of the mess hall, it didn't take ziggy much longer to leave the mess hall as well.

"So much chaos over a sh'tty flag" I scoffed while kicking the rocks from beneath my feet.

"It was worth it tho" ziggy and I both stopped in our tracks, a smile across both our faces. "You've got a point berman" I nudged her arm.
I wouldn't have been surprised if they suspected ziggy for what had happened, being she had been responsible for any other mishap at camp, but it was all so worth it.

"Think we'll get kicked out of camp?" We resumed our walk to get away from the campers.

Her bright orange hair waved past her shoulders, it was gleaming as the sun shined on it, "no, it'd hurt the camps reputation too much, that and kurt doesn't have the guts to do it"

"I agree with that, he's all bark and no bite" in other words kurt was dumb.

The rest of the day was spent messing around with ziggy, I never saw this coming but we were actually becoming friends, who would've known. Everyone thought she was some sort of monster, but really she was surprised to say and to think what the rest of us were afraid to. She gave me a glimpse of hope to this horrible town that seemed to be under some never ending curse over the span of hundreds of years.

Because in Shadyside, the past was never really the past, it seemed to catch up with every single one of us. It might've not been you today, and it might not be you tomorrow, but no matter what, once a shadysider always a shadysider.



Hey 😛
I know there was sorta a lil 💅 between the reader and ziggy, idk it was sorta random but I wanted to add some spice. Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. I'm posting this at 11:03pm

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