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"What was that all about?" Nick asked as he was now leaning against one of the bunk beds.

"Don't know." Ziggy went back to stirring the paint that she added water too. Planning on getting Sheila back for what she did to her cabin.

"I like what you've done to the place" nick began reading off what was on the walls.

"Wasn't me"
"Sheila?" He chuckled, of course Sheila would do something like this.
"Shouldn't you be supervising color wars or something?" ziggy was still hunched over while stirring

"Yes- but I didn't see you and Anna around so I-"
"So you decided to stalk us, nice."
"Check up on you."
"And apparently talk to her" ziggy caught herself being slightly bitter that their moment was ruined by nick coming into the cabin.

Nick could tell there was some sort of tension going on between them, "Carrie on" he bit his lip before walking out of the cabin.

"god dãmn, another point to sunnyvale" I sighed, the scoreboard wasn't looking in favor of Shadyside, which wasn't a surprise, it never was.

Some part of me hoped this summer would be different. It was my last year being a camper anyway, if fate had it I could come back and be a counselor next year.

In a way that made the weird thing I had going on with nick. Then again, me and Ziggy.

Maybe I was meant to keep my boring life in Shadyside, besides I really don't think Nick would end up liking someone from that town. He was destined to follow in his fathers footsteps after all, most likely to marry a pretty and petite girl he could spoil forever.

The more I thought about that image the more I wanted to throw up. As bored as I was, "why not try and play the games" I thought to myself, it'd be easier if I could find out counselor, Cindy, hadn't seen her since she stormed out of the mess hall during kurts speech.

"Cindy? Is it too late to play color wars?"
I shouted, of course there was no answer.
It only then hit me that everyone was likely hiding throughout the camp, there was no way I'd be able to find her. Not without being caught by a Sunnyvaler, it was worth a try anyway.

After much crawling, my now stained knees were growing tired. I had made it a ways out, hoping it was far enough to where no one could find me.
I sat besides an outhouse.

It sounded as if someone was walking through the bushes, I held my breath and sucked to the outhouse as much as I could.

"There you are" nick whispered before sitting himself next to me, "didn't think I'd see you participating."

"Yeah well it was either that or be bored out of my mind for the rest of the night. Everyone's hiding."

"Don't think there's anyone in the science nature room, we could hide there." Nick grabbed my hand, initiating the run to the room.

I quick checked around the place, sure enough no one was hiding there. There were lots of reptiles and bugs that were kept in here, I can't believe I didn't visit this place more throughout the summer.

"So- you and ziggy haven't gotten pretty close over the summer." Nick walked besides me.

"I guess" I shrugged, not wanting to lead on too much, "she's been the only one to really have fun with me, I feel like I can be myself around her."

Nick sat down, I sat next to him.
It was only silent for a moment until he spoke up, "I think I tried to get to know you this summer, my attempts weren't the best I see."

"Well Sunnyvalers and Shadysiders don't have the best history. Besides your future police chief self would probably loath the thought of being around someone like me."

"Oh come on you can't be that bad. What's the worst you've done? Other than the stuff here at camp."

Many thoughts ran through my head, I hadn't realized how much rebellion is put myself through until now. "I'd rather not bring that up. Why don't you try talking about yourself...you seem good at that." I said half joking.

"Alright." Nick looked as if he was pacing himself for what was about to come, "you know my whole life, I've been told that I'm gonna follow in my dads footsteps, and grow up to he just like him, police chief who saves the day, but...what if that's not who I wanna be? What if I wanna be the kid who likes spiders and Steven king and and-" he slowly trailed off of his sentence.

This could be it, I could tell him how I'm feeling right now. Something about the moment just felt right, then again Ziggy. But nick was here now, "and the crazy girl from Shadyside?"

With high hopes of him replying with something good, they were soon given up as he stood quickly and shoved his hands in his pocket, "maybe we should go back to easy questions."

"Oh uh- yeah." I followed behind in his steps, what could I say to salvage this moment.
"Well uh"... this could be how I could prove who I liked, first I kissed ziggy, now maybe if nick and I kissed I could finally sort through this whole thing. "Kiss the crazy girl from Shadyside?"

We were now face to face, only inches away.
As the seconds went by we were now only an inch away from each other's lips.
And without another thought to it there we were.
Our lips moved in sync, I moved my hands to his jaw, cupping his face. He followed by gripping my face.

This moment felt....surreal.
All until we were interrupted by a terrible scream.

Nick and I pulled away, we rushed over to the tool room to see a huge pool of blood, along with a bent pair of glasses on the ground.

"Oh my g0d Jeremy." I mumbled, the sight made me feel sick. Who would do this? And why? Jeremy was innocent.

"We need to get everyone back to the mess hall." Nick shouted and began to lead everyone back, Gary was guiding kids inside, and nick began counting them as they came in, "more than half of them are still missing"

Just then the lights began to flicker, of course every camper began to scream and panic even more than before.

"Ziggys still out there!" I went to run back to our cabin and get her but was stopped by nick forcefully grabbing my arm, "I'm not letting you go out there."

"Nick she's still out there!"
"Listen I'm not letting you get hurt!"
The room went silent, I'm certain almost everyone was staring.
"Me and Gary will go and look for her alright? We'll get anyone we can that's still out there." He finally let go of my arm and and grabbed Gary.

"Dude you know that's a camper right." Gary proclaimed as him and nick left the mess hall.

"I'll go towards the cabins and get anyone that's left, check the arts room, woods, anywhere you think they might be."

"But the killers still out there!"
"That's the point Gary."
Nick knew deep down why he wasn't afraid to go out in this terror. He was the real terror anyway.



Ahh the book is really coming to an end! Sad but I'm definitely going to try and brainstorm for a sequel. I also think I'm gonna do an alto ending! (You'll see why)

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