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Night fall finally came.
Ziggy and I waited until the rest of the campers were asleep. It didn't take much for Cindy to hit the fall asleep either.

"Are you ready?" I asked with a smirk plastered across my face, I had a pair of shorts on and my swimsuit top. Ziggy was wearing the same.

We eventually made our way down to the water, the light from the moon and stars shined fairly bright onto the lake water. It was clear just enough to see a foot or two beneath the water surface.

"How cold do you think it is?" Ziggy asked looking at the water, we both just stared at the lake for a bit.

"Hopefully not too cold" I took my shirt off that I had used as a cover up and began running on the dock towards the water, I could hear footsteps tramping behind me. I inhaled as I jumped, the feeling of being above the water, mid-air for maybe 2 seconds before I fell in, ugh. It was like being on top of the world.

The water was indeed cold when I sunk into it, I gasped for air once I came back to surface again.
When I looked around I didn't see ziggy.
"Ziggy? Where are you?" I called out. The only noise being the occasional owl hoot, or maybe a cricket.

"Ziggy? Come on this isn't funny" I began swimming back to shore once I realized I had floated out quite a bit. I felt something jerk on my leg. I let out a chilled scream when my mouth was covered with a hand.

"god you're gonna wake the entire camp up" ziggy finally removed her hand before laughing. "You're easy to prank, you know that right?" A grin spread on her face.

"That wasn't funny ziggy! I thought you had gotten hurt or something " I wanted to brush it off, but she really had scared me. I thought something happened to her. I thought she had maybe even died.

"Don't be so protective of me Schmidt" ziggy splashed water onto me.

"Sh!t" I splashed back at ziggy.
By the time we got out of the lake our fingers we're starting to prune up. I remembered the last late night encounter we had not too long before this one.

This time around we didn't stare at each other while getting changed, we even slept in our own beds. I stared at the ceiling for awhile, this summer felt entirely weird. Not to mention the weird and completely random interactions with Nick Goode.
Maybe he had just wanted to look good to the rest of the counselors, but then again, how would talking to a shadysider do him any good.

My train of thought went on for who knows how long. One minute I was thinking about nick and the next thing I knew it was morning.

"Rise and shine" I heard a voice call from across the cabin, I sat up to see no one else but Cindy in the cabin with me.

"What time is it?" I imagined it had to be later since no one else was there. To my surprise it was 11 in the afternoon. I had missed breakfast and if I didn't get ready soon I'd probably miss lunch too. "Sh!t" I got up and freshened up in the ladies room before throwing on a tank top and shorts.

"Everyone's either playing volleyball or hide n seek" Cindy said whilst looking in the small mirror that was on a cabin wall, she looked at herself as she fixed the neat curls in her hair. "Thought you might want to know so you can catch up"

"I can't believe I slept this late" I said getting on my shoes, it wasn't necessarily embarrassing, but it also was. Does that make any sense?

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