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July 15th
Four days before the color wars.

The pressure was on for the towns with color wars approaching, Kurt continued to give his loathing speech during every afternoon in the mess hall.

It had been a couple days since the flag incident, still no one had figured out that it was me and ziggy. We had gotten closer of this time. The only other person who tried to make conversation with me at this camp was the counselor Nick Goode. He seemed nice, besides the stereotype of him being "king of sunnyvale"

Speaking of the wonderful nick goode, here he comes. I thought to myself while reading underneath the willow tree once again.

"Ah nick, what a pleasant surprise" I shut my book and sat it besides me on the grass.

"Listen, we can't have campers out of bounds, that includes this tree"

"Oh" I nodded my head, nothing he said was going to stop me from being out here, it was a nice and peaceful place to read where I could almost always go unbothered, "did Kurt tell you that?" Being he was usually the one to call all the shots for Sunnyvale.

"No- he-" nick paused for a moment, looking as if he was trying to gather words, "this was all me, I noticed you sneaking off so as a counselor it's my job to keep the campers in check"

No f'cking way.
There was absolutely no way nick had just casually noticed me wandering off, I took a long and hidden trail to get to the willow tree that was a pretty good way from the camp. Only about a ten minute walk. 6 minutes if I really hurried. He had to of been following me or something, or have been out in the woods himself.

Not wanting to draw anymore suspicion I nodded my head, "got it" I began to make my way back to camp, still thinking about what nick had said.
His brown eyes were clouded with something much more than just concern for the campers, if only I could know what it is.

"Have you noticed anything off about the counselors?" I said motioning my spoon towards the Sunnyvale tables where Nick had been sitting.

"Their from Sunnyvale, what do you expect" a camper from our cabin piped up.

I guess that was the only input I was going to get. In the end no one really cared about the differences we all had on the inside, the only thing anyone at this d'mn camp seemed to care about was the fact that we were from two separate towns.

They were only 30 minutes apart for christ sake.
It was a constant war, and not just the silly competition games you'd see at camp. It was something much more than that.

It didn't make sense as to why Shadyside had to have it bad, while Sunnyvale magically stayed crime free all these years. It just wasn't normal, no towns that close together can be such polar opposites.

My train of thoughts must have been everywhere.
The days at camp seemed to pass by like nothing. It was mostly preparation for color wars anyway. I eventually stopped showing up to the mess hall in the mornings, I was sick of hearing Kurt.
Not to mention him and Joan were going at it in his cabin Wednesday night.

I couldn't tell what she saw him in.
Was he hot? A little.
But his over bearing, and annoying speeches and camp guidelines did it for me. Not to mention his never ending hate for shadysiders.

Or in his words, "shadyside witches"

"Ziggy, have you noticed anything off about nick?" We walked along side the outskirts of the camp, being forced to pick up garbage as a daily chore before the games started.

Ziggy shrugged, "nothing too out of the ordinary, he's all high and mighty so he can be "sheriff Nick Goode" someday" a scoff left her lips as she shoved yet another piece of trash into the bag.

She had a fair point, maybe that's why he noticed such odd things? He was destined to be sheriff of Sunnyvale apparently.

"There's never been anything else off about him right?" I said, wanting to clear my head of all the suspicion I had earlier with nick.

"And not just the "he's a sunnyvaler" bullsh't"
I clarified, not wanting to hear yet another person say that to me.

Ziggy tied off the trash bag, as we had finished cleaning up, "Why all the sudden questions of nick?" She turned and began walking back to camp, "do you have a thing for him or something?" The smallest yet most sarcastic laugh came out of her.

"No! No of course not" I called out so quickly my voice sounded hoarse, "I just..noticed something off and couldn't put a pin on it. That's all" I crossed my arms the entire way back to camp, it was true, I didn't have anything going on with nick. We didn't even know each other that well. And even if we did, ziggy couldn't care. Would she?

We arrived back to camp. After tossing the trash bags away, there was still no coordinated games going on at the moment. Both ziggy and I headed back to our cabin so we could change into some fresh clothes.

I sat on my bed, waiting for ziggy to finish getting ready. I could hear her still ruffling through her bag in the bathroom. "Everything alright in there?" I called out. For a few moments there was only silence filling the room.

The bathroom door creaked open quickly, standing in the frame was ziggy, holding up her swimsuit. "By any chance would you be interested in swimming?" A grin grew on her face.

"Why not" we had nothing better to do. And a swim in the lake sounded better than any group game we could play with the other campers.

"Not just any swimming" the once sweet grin quickly turned into a more mischievous smirk, "you. me. Later tonight in the lake"

Night swimming.
That sounded wicked.

My eyes widened, I could practically feel them sparkle with excitement, "he11 yeah I'm in" I'd never be allowed to do this kind of stuff back home, so why not experience it here at camp with the only person who seemed to understand me.

"I'll take you up on that offer" ziggy shut the bathroom door again, it wasn't long at all before she was out in a pair of Jean shorts and a camp night wing t-shirt, practically wearing the same thing as me.

We left the cabin to go kill time, whether that was in the mess hall or forcing ourselves to participate in whatever game the counselors agreed on. Nothing sounded better than for it to have been nighttime.
I couldn't wait to go on that swim.


I don't have much to say,
other than thank you for reading my book 💕
If you have any suggestions I'd LOVE to hear them in the comments, until next time..


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