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Ziggy and I spent the rest of the afternoon talking and coming up with conspiracies about what we had seen with nurse lane, to our surprise as we walked to the mess hall, there she was being pushed on a stretcher into an ambulance and driven away, police were everywhere along with campers trying to figure out what was going on. Cindy and Tommy sat besides each other on the infirmary porch.

"What's going on?" I asked our counselor Gary,
"Nurse lane lost it, that's what they're saying." He was brief, and walked away before I had the chance to say anything, his brunette curly hair bounced over his eyes, he needs a haircut.

It looked like the police were questioning Tommy, did he have something to do with this? Cindys innocent and pretty quiet boyfriend?

"Hey witch!" Sheila approached us, but she directed her sentence towards ziggy, "sorry about old nurse Psycho, I know you and her got along."

"Leave is the hell alone Sheila." I crossed my arms, her and those two zombies always following her around never gave ziggy a break.

"You better go check your stuff, I heard there was an accident in cabin five." Sheila laughed, and with that Ziggy ran off towards the cabin.

"You'll never give it a rest huh" I scoffed, "typical
b!tch behavior of you and your little friends."

"Mommy might've been able to afford you coming to camp, but you know the second you go back home it's all gonna run to sh!t again Schmidt, don't hold your shoulders too high now." Sheila spoke in a cold tone before the three of them walked off.

I know all she used to cut me down was words, but it was practically all it took, as much as I didn't want to admit it, she was right.

"You okay?" A voice crept up as I felt a hand grip my shoulder.

"Fine' I wasn't involved in anything."
I rubbed the side of my arm, watching the scene go down before my eyes still, "do you think color wars is still on for tonight?"

"Oh yeah, Kurt won't let this- or anything for that matter, stop color wars from happening. He's set on crushing you shadyside witches."

"Haha, very funny nick." You could say I wasn't the most amused, "maybe I am a witch, who knows."

"Someone as sweet as you a witch? Didn't see that coming." Nick gave the same old grin he always did, it almost made me forgot how pissed he made me earlier.

The bell rang, interrupting any sort of moment I felt Nick and I had going on. Honestly, was there any sort of moments ever happening between us?
Part of me still held onto that night with Ziggy, there was something about the way she made me feel that night, even if I hadn't been into girls at all before this, she looked just like a dream.
Arguably the prettiest girl I've ever seen. (😉)

"Looks like you're back to counselor duties, break times over" I gave Nick a pat on the shoulder before going to the mess hall myself, Nick wasn't far behind as he followed me in.

"Alright campers, we had a scary moment out there, but that's not going to stop us, from the most important night of our lives!" Kurt stood on a small table in front of all us campers.

I opted to sit closer to the doors, I couldn't stand to sit anywhere near him and risk being in the spot zone. My attention was directed elsewhere anyway once I noticed Ziggy hadn't come back from our cabin. And before I knew it, Cindy was walking out the mess hall doors, she seemed more flustered than usual.

The rest of kurts speech was obnoxious as usual, but it was even more embarrassing when Joan went up and gave her pathetic "speech" not sure you could even call it that. I can't tell if that, or her and Kurt sleeping together every weekend was worse.

Soon enough everyone was dismissed from the mess hall so we could get into groups and play capture the flag. And with Ziggy still not back I decided to check on her.

I walked in to see her sitting on the bed, nasty things were written all over the walls, "monster" "ziggys a witch b'tch" of course they went on.

It was obvious this was the acts of Sheila and her so called friends. "Need any help?" I brushed my hair back before sitting besides Ziggy.

"I've got it- thanks though."
"Oh come on ziggy, let me help, it's the least I can do after what happened earlier." I reached for the paintbrush, not even question what she had mixed up, I knew within seconds that she had a plan, "we're you planning on pulling a Carrie?" A laugh couldn't help but escape my lips.

"So what if I was?"
"Nothing." I shrugged, Ziggy and I were face to face, her blue eyes didn't shine as much now that we were in the dim lighted cabin, but they were still gorgeous.

"I think you look beautiful."
Maybe she wasn't the type to accept compliments, but I had to say something, maybe it would get rid of the awkward silence, but the more we just sat there, I realized the silence wasn't so bad.

A quick glance was made at her lips.
G0d d@mmit, why did I do that.
But she did it too.

I slowly leaned in, hoping she would too if this is what she wanted.

Was this what I wanted? I felt so many ways and it seemed impossible to go through them all and really tell what I was feeling towards ziggy and even nick.

Our lips pressed together, it was only for a couple seconds, but they felt like an eternity. We sat there for a few seconds, nothing but the chatter of campers far off being able to be heard.

"What does that mean?" Ziggy spoke up.
"I- I'm not sure."

The cabin door opened, Nick was standing there, "mind if I come in?" I nodded before inching myself away from ziggy.

I didn't feel ashamed of what had just happened, but I needed to know what it meant before or if anyone found out.

"Shouldn't you be monitoring color wars or something" ziggy went back to her normal snappy attitude towards others. 

I didn't wanna put myself in a special place, but it seemed she had the smallest soft spot just for me.

"I guess I'll get going, let you two chat." I rushed my way to the door.

"I was meaning to talk to you. Maybe later?" Nick said before I raced out.

"Yeah- I'll meet you later. See you around."
I could only hope my face was beating red at this point.



Uh yeah, so that happened.
I mentioned before that there was going to be a love triangle between ziggy, Nick, and the reader, that is still very much so happening. I'm trying to reach that in depth more as the book is trailing towards its end. But overall hope you guys enjoyed.


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