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The next couple days I did my best to avoid Nick, I didn't want to deal with anymore of his antics.
All of Sunnyvale was as obnoxious as usual. We were now referred to as Shadyshide trash.
Oh how nice that was to constantly hear.

We spent most of our time picking up trash, cleaning the mess hall and the art room, both those places were left messes after meals and projects. Our next task was assumed to be cleaning the outhouses being that was the main thing Ziggy and I tried avoiding.
Thankfully the task schedule was changed last minute, to where Tommy and Cindy were to clean the out houses in an hour or so. "This is such bull sh!t. Using a pie contest as an excuse so we'd have to clean the entire camp...again." I was angry while brushing the dirt that was on my clothes. This was disgusting and no one even saw anything wrong with it. None of the Sunnyvalers anyway.

"Were supposed to be enjoying ourselves at summer camp, not cleaning up other peoples sh!t" Ziggy chimed in as we washed our hands in the Mess hall kitchen. I couldn't stand Kurt getting his way all of the time, "we need to get even with them." A devilish plan popped into my head, we could get revenge on Sheila and her idiotic friends that follow her around like a couple of lost dogs. There was a few moments of silence between Ziggy and I before we both grinned. "Whats your idea?" she brushed a few strands of hair behind her ear. "I think its finally time to get Sheila back."

Some time had past while Ziggy and I had been under the giant tree that was planted in the middle of the camp, or more known to me as the place Nick first talked to me.

We wanted to do something to Sheila that would actually mean something to her.
"What if we snuck into her bunk and stole her money? Maybe we'll find some other hidden treasures while were there" I grinned once again, I could tell almost immediately Ziggy was on board with my plan.

Meanwhile the rest of the campers were at lunch...

We sneaked into their cabin and began rummaging around, trying to find cash or anything that was of value. At first it seemed like we had ran out of things to search, there was a small black box that was lying underneath some clothing in her camp dresser, "I think I got something." I sat on a bed with the box in my head, which quickly drew Ziggy's attention.

I undid the clip that kept the box together, inside was a great arrangement of things, some too explicit for my eyes to try and erase, but most importantly there was money. "A whole $50-" I was in disbelief, that was a great sum of money.

"Come on, I want to get cleaned up for colors war." I heard a familiar and quite obnoxious voice call out.

"Sh!t" Was all I was able to get out with the amount of shock I was in. I grabbed as much money as my stiff fingers would. Very quickly Ziggy and I left the cabin running the opposite way, I was hoping we'd get away without being seen, but it was too late, Sheila and her friends were already too close to the cabin.

"We need to get out of here." Ziggy grabbed my hand, as I was running with her we each stuffed a few dollars into our pockets. We ran as fast as we could through the woods, weaving through the branches and bushes that corroded the area. It was only a few moments before I watched Ziggy get smacked to the ground by Will. Next thing I knew everything was black for me too.

I woke up, the sun seemed brighter than before, and my nose was now bleeded. Sheila was busy commanding her friends to tie Ziggy up to the tree, she was struggling to get out of the rope that held her hands up high, she was even shouting things like "Let me down you sh!ts!" It didn't take me long to realize what they were planning.

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