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"I'm not letting her stay out there" I thought to myself. I opened the mess hall doors, the camp was dark which didn't at all help the current circumstances. I began running to our cabin, that was where I last knew Ziggy was.

"Ziggy?!" I called, semi out of breath, when she was no longer in the cabin my chest began to tighten. "Sh!t Sh!t!" She could be anywhere in the camp now.

[ Where are the camp counselors? Why aren't they aware of anything? Is Ziggy okay? ]

My train of thoughts was everywhere, per usual.
"Okay- just think....think."

I knew that Ziggy had wanted to get revenge on Sheila after she ruined our cabin with her little friends, what she was planning on doing to her I didn't know, all that mattered is where she was doing it.

[ Red paint. Mixed with water.
Carrie. ]


I burst out the door again and began heading to tue nearest outhouse, when she wasn't there, I ran to the one closest to the science and nature room, I saw a screwdriver held in the lock, a screaming girl was clearly inside. She did get her revenge after all.

I began walking towards the science and nature room again.

"Anna? What are you doing?" A whisper-yell came from a bush.

"Trying to find you." I crawled behind the bush, next to Ziggy, "listen, you have to believe me-"

"Believe what?" Her blue eyes were no longer relaxing into mine, they were beginning to widen.

"There- there's a murderer here at camp. They killed Jeremy and now I think they're after more people."

"Oh come on, you really think that's gonna scare me? You could at least try a little more if you really want a reaction out of me." She chuckled, thinking I was trying to tease her or something.

"Ziggy I'm serious!" I gripped her hand, "we're going to get killed if we stay in plain sight any longer-" My breath was shaky.

It was clear I wasn't joking, even in the slightest.
"You don't think it's-"
"I think it is." I popped my head above the bush a moment later, checking to see if the coast was still clear.

"We need to get back to the mess hall, we'll be safe there and- and we can leave this place safe." I grabbed her hand and pulled her up.

"What about Cindy? Is she there?"
I could my heart drop slightly.
"No she isn't. I don't know where hardly any of the counselors are except for nick and Gary- and they went to find everyone.

"We can't just leave her out there! We have to help them find her." Ziggy spoke quickly.

"Listen Ziggy- I don't know how much time we have, but we need to get back there, I'm sure Nick has everything under control."

"Since when did you start taking nicks side on everything? Since he started showing more interest in you? Is that it."

"What the he11 is wrong with you." I let go of Ziggys hand finally, my breathing picked up as I felt upset. "You really think that just because he showed an ounce of interest in me I just side with him on everything?"

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