Chapter 2 - Stupid Lame Cake

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"Hey, um, good to see you awake." Alex said, hanging by the door, his usual Dr. Karev stance. Arizona saw how tired he was and commended Alex for taking his doctor priorities first before her in her head. She smiled at her brother, "Yep. I'm glad I'm awake too." 

Alex came closer and took a seat where Meredith was a few moments ago, before she went to do rounds. "Do you want me to call Callie? Do you want to see Sofia?" 

Arizona bit her lip at the direct. Noticing this, Alex withdrew quickly, "I'm sorry you must be tired, I'll just catch your answer later." Arizona smiled his way, taking another second to think.

"I don't want Callie to see me like this and worry. She's been living her best life since-"

"Since you selflessly gave her those tickets. Look I know you care for her a lot but take a step back to take care of yourself too once in a while okay?" Alex said, softness in his voice. Arizona could only nod, his brother was complete and utterly right.

"Okay, mister Karev." she chuckled in bed. "But I still don't want to call them. I don't want Sofia to see me like this, all bruised up and stuff." Alex understood. He caressed Arizona's cheek and she did not hate the contact. "Thanks for checking up on me,"

"It's the least I can do. Besides, you were basically almost dead on arrival until Meredith pulled a she's not dead until she's warm and dead speech on us attendings. I mean, you should have seen her charging again and again to resuscitate." he chuckled and gave all the credit to Meredith, though it was the opposite of what she wanted. Arizona smiled, thankful.

"I'll thank her later then." she said.

Later, on that same day, Dr. Grey was reminded by Chief Owen to check on Arizona, as she was her doctor. And so she took the elevator up to Arizona's floor and brought a slice of cake from the cafeteria. It was one of those extremely sweet cakes at the corner of the cafeteria nobody grabs, well, apparently nobody does not include Arizona. She liked the sweets in that corner and Meredith just happened to notice one day.

She walked quietly to Arizona's room, chocolate cake in hand. When she saw the door open, she slid inside to arrive to a spiritless Arizona. She seemed to be caught up in an intense staring contest against the ceiling. Meredith stopped herself from laughing. Because Arizona was so occupied, she didn't hear Meredith enter the room.

"Robbins," she finally said. Arizona was startled by the lot, immediately placing a hand to her chest after she screamed. "Oh- uh sorry, Grey." Meredith let out the laugh she's been holding. "It's fine, I just didn't to disturb your eye brawl with the ceiling. Intense." she joked. Arizona chuckled.

"So, how is it? Will I be good for discharge soon?" Arizona said, eager. Meredith stood there with the chocolate cake in hand. "Okay, eat this first and then I'll talk." she said, placing the slice of cake on the pull-over table stuck to Arizona's bed. The other blond squinted at the cake, unsure why Meredith had to fetch it when she was just doing rounds. 

"It's straight from the cafeteria, I won't poison you don't worry." she jokes and Arizona shrugs the thought out. "No, I just- aren't you just checking on my vitals and stuff? Why the cake?"

"I thought you liked it. That corner in the cafeteria only remains to cater you, really." Meredith said nonchalant. Arizona shook her head, "No, I mean, you didn't have to bother. I'm good, Alex brought me a salad from across the street earlier."

Meredith furrowed her brows at Arizona's persistence to refuse. Puzzled as to why, she opens the container and scoop a mouthful, "I don't know why you don't want it but you better eat up if you want me to start talking any time soon. Now open wide,"

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