Chapter 15 - Great Morning Glory

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Gossip spreads fast in the hospital. Nurses were like messengers. And they kept ringing and retelling the story over and over again once Arizona and Meredith came back to work.

Dr. Grey kissed Dr. Robbins. I think they're dating.

What everyone kept saying.

And they were not wrong.

"Good morning, Mer." Arizona said as Meredith walked over to her. Same, same, Meredith brought Arizona cake.

"Good morning, Dr. Robbins." she smiled, handing the blond thinly sliced chocolate cake.

"You look different today," Arizona grinned. "Well, I guess if you're bringing a hot doctor her cake you can't help but try to look stunning yourself, can you?"

Meredith raised a brow though pleased. "Are you saying I'm wearing make-up?"

Arizona giggled, "No, Dr. Grey. I'm just saying you look pretty. Is it too much to ask for you to flirt with me?"

The general surgeon bit her lip, "Good God, you have no idea how nerve-wracking this is. Me, flirting with you, in public. Wow."

Arizona leaned and can't help but smile. She knew her nurses were watching, particularly the ones behind the counter.

"No worries. They already know." Arizona looks behind Meredith and says, "So let's focus on the real problem, how are we going to flirt each morning if Alex keeps showing up." she joked.

Meredith glanced where Arizona was looking, Alex was there, walking.

"Oho, hello Alex." Mer greeted the guy. He looked over to Arizona who was not wearing a smile towards him though he knew she just had one.

"Oh- am I intruding something?" he asked.

Arizona nodded.

"I was just saying, how can I flirt with Mer in the morning if you keep showing up like you do."

Alex sighed, almost about to laugh. "Dude, is there no other place to flirt than here? And it's early morning, you really expect the staff to enjoy watching you both get flustered at each other after they just woke up?"

"Yeah," Mer shrugged.

Alex signaled for the nurse behind the computer, "Hey, you. Would you enjoy them talking here every God damn morning like teenagers in love?"

The nurse looks up, not sure what the problem was, "Mmyeah. I mean, I already do."

Alex sighed and caught Arizona's victory face.

"I guess that's your answer." she said.

"Fine, I'll check on you guys later into the day. Maybe lunch, is lunch cool?"

Meredith nodded, "Uhuh, I'll make sure to always make time for lunch now. I heard Amelia always eats with you guys too."

"She does, make sure to tell Maggie too." Arizona nodded. "Now we're all one big happy family, huh."

Meredith bit her lip knowing how bright and shiny Arizona's vocabulary was, Alex also suppressed a laugh beside her.

"What?" Arizona said.

"Nothing," Alex replied, still holding in a chuckle.

"What? Did I say something? What's so funny?"

Now Meredith was holding it in too.

She said in between giggles, "We're... we... we're all... one... big... happy family."

Alex and Meredith finally burst into laughter, not helping to hold it in anymore. While Arizona crossed her arms in front of them.

What a way to start the day.

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