Chapter 10 - It Better Work

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Arizona was left in the NICU watching the quadruplets that was born just last night. She turned down lunch with Alex and said she'd stay there for a few more hours. So, Alex made a mental note to grab Arizona a salad and give it to her later, he did not want Arizona working on an empty stomach.

While she was watching, eyeing the rise and fall of the babies' chests, another woman was watching her.

Carina liked the way Arizona loved every moment of her job. She liked her smile. She liked how the pediatric surgeon made rounds around her ward in skates. She liked that before she did, she greeted everyone a good morning. She liked her sincerity. And she has been eyeing Arizona for as long she saw a glimpse of that smile when she arrived the hospital.

She came closer, making sure to not come off as intrusive.

She stopped just behind Arizona. Right where the blond could see her.

Arizona bit her lip, sort of nervous. She knew there was no other doctor to check the quadruplets in the NICU but her, Carina.

She turned around, a smile on her face.

"Hi," she said.

Carina nodded, "Hey,"

"Having fun with these... tiny humans?" Carina used that term. The term she adored Arizona came up with.

Arizona continued her teeth-less smile, "Yup. They're all so strong."

And that was it. Carina admired Arizona's understanding of these small, small humans. So she did not say another word, and they watched the tiny humans together. Her plans with the blond can wait 'til later, and though she was tense about Dr. Grey asking Arizona out, she knew she can't play too hasty. She settled for a talk over lunch she was soon to ask Arizona after they leave this room.

"I do like her!"

"Do you like her, like her?" Amelia leaned in, delighted by a blushing Meredith.

Meredith pushed her sister's face away, "Get off my case already!"

April and Maggie giggled, eating their food on the same table.

"Alex! Talk, come on. I can't stand Amelia questioning my feelings again and again, and over my fresh salad, jeez."

Alex grunted, amused.

"How about you ask Arizona out already. Maybe then girl shepherd here will get off your nerves."

Meredith sighed, eyeing the half of her salad. "I will. I just..."

"What?" Amelia asked quite interested again. Meredith only spared her a look then averted her eyes back to the salad.

"I will ask her out tomorrow morning over chocolate cake. Don't butt in, Alex. Happy?"

Alex raised his brow, he didn't want that confession over cake thing, but if that's what will get Meredith to confess then he'll give it his approval.

Everyone in the table cheered. "Let's go! Dr. Grey has a crush, woooo!"

The staff and all the other doctors in the cafeteria heard their little victory yells, everyone stared at the lot.

"Keep it down!" Meredith hissed.

Arizona ate the salad Alex just grabbed for her. She couldn't help but feel happy someone other than Alex, April, and Amelia was having lunch with her. It was a nice and healthy change and she felt it.

Carina was eating a donut beside her on one of the lounge couches. Arizona smiled at the sight; a stunning doctor often eats donuts for lunch.

"Did you always like sweets for lunch?" Arizona asked, playing with her salad.

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