Chapter 7 - Here She Comes

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Amelia scurried over to the table with her tray. Alex ate his carrot through a sly grin. 

"Ooh, how'd it go?" she says. April looked to Alex as if begging to get in on the conversation. Alex nodded. The three had to talk about this before Arizona got to the table.

"Dude, I almost didn't have her, but then Arizona came back a few after leaving saying she had a date."

"DO TELL," Amelia almost jumped. April gasped. 

"Well, she figured it out by herself, she didn't want Arizona to go on that date." Alex shrugs, grabbing another carrot. Amelia nods, lively. "Then what?"

"I teased her into telling me why,"

"What'd she say?" April got ahead of Amelia. Amelia bit her lip then, itching for the answer.

"She said she wanted to be the date, and not some OB. Can you believe it?" he laughs a little. April was stunned while Amelia was very much animated in her seat.

"Oh, here she comes, let's continue with Maggie later," she says. 

"Hm, what'd I miss, guys?" Arizona smiled pulling out a chair. 

"Nothing," Alex replied with his usual Alex tone. 

"Cool, now let me tell you about my date," she says with a huge grin. April leans in genuinely interested and says, "Oh do tell,"

Meredith tapped her foot to the hospital floor, frantic, and looking for Alex Karev. She was worried about Arizona's date - the date she didn't want to happen, so she turned to the all-famous Dr. Karev for help. Yes, Dr. Karev and not Alex. 

He told Meredith to meet him here, just on this hallway, but he didn't give the specifics. Pacing back and forth, she waited for Alex to reply to her text 'where tf are you'. He promised her his help, and he never broke his promises before. And she knew well how close he was to Arizona, it wasn't like his promise would be impossible. It still made her crazy how Alex, the crazy chick magnet, knows about her crush on Arizona. 

Not many people knew about Meredith being bisexual. Not even her mother, even when she told that woman explicitly that she would go 'backpacking' with Sadie in Europe. Maybe Cristina was the only to know about her secret, yeah, that sounded right. And nobody really questioned her sexually because Derek. Her intern year was basically all about her dating the Derek Shepherd, the Dr. McDreamy himself. 

So now that she realized she developed a crush on Arizona, Alex was the first one to know, not even Cristina, she wasn't there at that stage yet. Her mind was racing, thinking about how things could go if she doesn't stop Arizona's date tonight. Someone would be having drinks with her and flirting with her and- and playing darts with her. That just irked Meredith. 

And who better to help than Alex right? Right. She thought, joking in her head.

One of the on-call room open and Meredith shot her eyes there. A hand stuck from inside and it waved at her. Confused but intrigued, she neared it. What is this now, Alex? She thought. 

And just as she stopped by the door, the hand pulled her in. She screamed. 

The room was dark, very dark; and the hand covered her mouth to stop the scream. Squinting her eyes, she hoped this was Alex's doing. She hoped.

"Dude, turn on the lights," Meredith was relieved to hear his voice like never before. 

The lights flashed open and Meredith saw April, Amelia and Maggie sitting on one bed. She couldn't speak though, Alex's hand had quite a grip. So she licked it, and immediately feeling the saliva, he let her go.

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