Chapter 23 - She Pulled Meredith!

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Callie placed the brownies on the table beside Sofia's bed. She told the nurse to help Sofia open them once she wakes up. And she was out of there and sped into one of the on-call to try and think over what she just laid eyes on.

It was definitely not hallucinations.

She looked away and looked back again.

They were definitely holding hands.

She chuckled to herself.

Being alone in an on-call was definitely a good idea. 

She looked over the door; she locked it.

She chuckled again.

"What the fuck." she muttered still laughing, "What in the actual fuck." 

I must be out of my mind. Meredith and Arizona? Arizona and Meredith? What the heck. Good God, what has my life become. 

Meredith was my best friend.

Arizona was... well, was my wife.

Callie stared into the distance.

She remembered that one time she went out Meredith.

"Cheers to that." 

Their glasses clanged and hit each other by the rim. And they drank it all after.

"Good man in a storm! What's so good man in a storm about a break." Callie ranted.

"How's your day, Meredith. Did you cure death today, Meredith? When are you going to cure death, Meredith? I could have cured death but you let me move to DC and work for the president." Meredith said next, joking about Derek.

And their rant-fest continued.

"So I'm BISEXUAL! So what! It's a thing. And it's real. It's called LGBTQ for a reason. There's a B in there and it doesn't mean badass." Callie said and Meredith nodded in all seriousness.

Callie looked at Mer for a second and continued, "Okay, it kinda does... but it also means Bi!"

They cheered their glasses again.

And laughed.

And cheered.

And chuckled.

"Mmyeah, maybe Sofia will be a legacy cheater. Everyone in this hospital cheated on me. Every single person I've ever married cheated on me."

Meredith blinked twice.

"Well, two of them. Yeah." Callie added. "Come oooon,"

And they cheered again. 

Meredith had a shock in herself when she realized, "Hm, Cristina was the third rail in our marriage. Dangerous. Fully-charged. Could kill us but necessary for us to keep going. She got me; you think it's possible that my one true love in my life is a girl?" she said.

Callie looked up, interested but drunk. "Did you get excited about her vagina?"

"No," Meredith replied.

"Then no,"

"Good point."

Callie could only laugh to that now.

So it wasn't about the vagina... it was about the person. The worst time to be joking about that moment but it was just so funny right now.

She laughed.

"Uhh," she groaned a few moments later. "What now?"

Callie let the rest of body lay in bed. Contemplating.

She sighed and closed her eyes, "I'm not mad but... okay maybe I'm mad they they didn't tell me, but I'm not judging that they're together, huh. Mer used to be my friend too."

I don't care about it. It's just good they're happy.

"I just wish I could be happy like that too."

Days went by and Callie didn't mention the sight of the two blonds in the café that day. She kept her mouth shut. She just accepted it. She didn't know they would have to talk about it before now. 

Arizona was abusing her lip, appearing to be nervous in front of Callie. And Callie read into it quickly.

So now you want to talk about it. Callie thought.

"What is it? Sof is waiting." Callie joked leaning beside the vending machine.

Arizona chuckled nervously, "Yeah, ugh... please don't be mad, please don't be mad, please don't be mad."

Callie heard every 'please don't be mad' and made Arizona shut up with her, 'spill it.'

"It's about..." Arizona fidget.

"Meredith." Callie said.

Arizona met Callie's eyes and all the blonde's nervousness faded away. "Yeah."

"I know."

"Know what?" 

"I'm not mad that you guys..."

"Oh God. Oh God!" Arizona said, surprised. She jumped and smiled, "You know? You know!"

The peds surgeon embraced Callie quickly, with all her might and excitement.

She truly felt relieved.

"I'm so so so sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I love you! I always will. Thank you, thank you, thank you," Arizona said into the embrace.

Callie closed her eyes and hugged Arizona back, "It's all good. I'm sorry I snapped at you on your first day here too. I'm just glad to know you guys are happy."

They pulled away from the embrace baring closure like never before.

"But hey, you pulled Meredith Grey, huh." Callie joked and earned a giggle from Arizona.

"You bet,"

a/n: hi, did that feel too fast? haha, i'm losing motivation as i predicted but i'm trying to finish it lol. no more angst i guess. i'll probably make another fanfic with merzona and use callie again for the angst bit so that my mind will be back to the 'motivated' state again.

comment on the errors and i'll gladly fix them! that's all byebye

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