Chapter 25 - I Love You Too

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"Come down, you guys." Meredith said to her children hanging by the stairs.

Their faces lit up and one by the one the little ones stormed to the living room where the Christmas tree was. But more importantly, under that tree was their gifts.

Sofia looked towards her two parents with a smile and said, "Can we open them?"

Arizona nodded beside Mer. "Of course. Go on, just open the ones with your names on it."

"Cool!" Zola said.

"I wonder what yours is, Zola." Sofia said, leaning towards Zola and her wrapped gift.

"Hm, I don't know but I did ask for another stuffed-toy,"

"Sounds nice, I think mine's a cooking set," Sofia replied, shaking her gift lightly. 

Bailey didn't bother to talk among the girls and opened his gift quietly; he got a basketball. 

He turned towards Meredith and Arizona, grateful. "Thank you!" he said. But then he noticed his little sister struggling. And he tried to convince her mom to come-up and help Ellis.

Meredith chuckled to Arizona, "I'll open the one for Ellis then,"

The blond walked towards the kids while they opened more of their gifts.

"Here you go sweetie," Meredith handed the little unwrapped box to Ellis.

"Fenk i-yu," the little girl said. Arizona smiled by the doorway while Meredith nuzzled Ellis' nose.

"Check inside," she said. 

The gift-session was done and the four kids recieved a lot more gifts than they expected. 

The young lot said thank you to their parents right after the living room was flooded by wrapping paper. 

There wasn't any food out of the ordinary prepared for breakfast, baked chicken, potatoes, salad, and pesto. Their family was all seated on the table, all that was left were Amelia and Maggie.

Ding Dong. 

"I'll get it." Meredith sat-up quickly. She left the kids with Arizona on the table.

"Oh right! Thanks for letting Sof stay here with us this Christmas, Aunt Ari." Zola beamed.

Arizona smiled at that. She saw how happy Sofia was to Zola and vice versa when they picked up Sofia from the airport last night.

"My pleasure," the bright blond said. "You guys must be happy to know Sof will come back to Seattle for good after New Year's."

Zola gasped.

"No way!" the two little girls said in a unison. And they screeched. 

Arizona could only chuckle beside Ellis and Bailey. 

But she noticed Bailey wasn't too happy. So she said, "Hey champ, let's try your ball later alright?"

Arizona raised her hand signaling for a high-five.

Bailey looked up and slapped her hand, "Right!"

Ellis giggled when she saw how Bailey seemed to light-up. "What?" Bailey asked her, innocent and confused.

Meredith made her way back to the table with her 'late' sisters, and they began to eat.

And after the meal, Amelia sat-up to surprise the kids.

"Who's ready for more presents?" she shouted.

The kids were overjoyed. And Maggie went out of the room, probably to get 'more' presents.

So the kids were occupied. 

And that meant good news to Arizona and Meredith.

They met each other with knowing smiles.

"That's a big grin you got there," said Arizona.

They were away from the kids and their Aunt Amelia. The blonds snuck into the small porch in Meredith's room, feeling the cold breeze. 

Meredith bit her lip, "Do you have no plans with me?" 

Arizona shook her head, acting, "Hmm... I don't think I did make any."

"Are you sure?" Meredith slowly pulled Arizona towards her.

"Nope." the other replied once their foreheads were touching.

And suddenly out of the high, Meredith sighed. "You're not joking aren't you?"

Arizona gulped as Meredith pulled away. The general surgeon quickly turned around, giving Arizona a literal cold shoulder.

Arizona chuckled and hugged Meredith from behind instead. 

"It's so easy to spoil your mood," she giggled. "Of course I have plans for us."

Meredith looked to her shoulder where Arizona's head was resting. With this, Arizona knew she had Meredith's attention again.

"I do. But not today. Today is spending-time-with-family-day."

"You're right." Meredith sighed. She caressed the arms that wrapped around her stomach.

"That said... it's tomorrow. We have a flight to Maui... tomorrow."

Meredith was sure to be shocked.

A laugh took over her and something told her to face Arizona.

"Cheeky," she said.

"I love you," Arizona smiled.

"I love you too." Meredith replied before they melted into a kiss.

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