Chapter 6 - Not Some OB

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Dinner is done. Dishes are washed.

Movies are finished. Kids are asleep.

"I guess I should get going," Arizona starts when Meredith scoot down the staircase. She had just placed the kids to bed.

Meredith shook her head in response, "Nope. Stay, let's have some wine before you go."

Arizona didn't put much of a fight as there was barely any in her. She sat on the couch and waited for Meredith. A few minutes later, she showed up with two glasses and a bottle of wine.

"White?" Arizona asked and Meredith nodded.

Meredith set the things on the table with a sigh. The other woman took this as queue to scoot over in the couch, so her friend can rest.


"Ah, that's much better." Meredith sighs, eyes on the ceiling. Arizona nodded her head approvingly, and popped the wine bottle. At the sound, Meredith sat upright. The tire never stopped her midnight cravings before.

"Fill me,"

"Will do,"

"Goodnight, ladies." Owen said to both Maggie and Amelia. He spared Amelia a wink before she kissed him goodnight, a peck on the cheek. Maggie only look over her sister, grimacing. She too waved her date, Owen's friend, a good bye, just not with a matching kiss.

Owen then drove away.

"That was fast," Maggie teased her sister. Little Shepherd sighed happily, "I like fast,"

From the front door, they heard Meredith and Arizona laughing. The two sisters squealed, happy as hell for Meredith that they tiptoed their way inside. And then they eavesdropped.

"You have no idea! I didn't even think about it before Bailey said anything this morning,"

"Oooh, I heard. I heard from one of the nurses in our ward. Dr. Bailey impressed by how close Dr. Robbins and Dr. Grey have become," Arizona laughed, spilling a quarter of her drink. "Oops,"

Both blonds burst into laughter.

"Oh- oh, I have another one. Did you know that some of the staff thought Cristina and I were a thing at first,"

"No way," Arizona gasped.

"Yes way!" Meredith followed.

"I mean, can't two girls just be really close friends."

"Oh but Cristina did give me bi energy,"

"Well, it must've shocked you to know we were both annoyingly straight. So straight we dated our attendings,"

Amelia sighed and looked away. Her plan phase II, felt like a fail. Scratch that, it is a fail. Maggie saw her sister in such a defeat state, so she said, "It didn't work, didn't it."

Amelia shook her head, disappointed.

The blondes in the living room kept laughing and talking though. And Amelia could only muster a sigh when they did. Maggie knew well about Amelia's supposedly brilliant plan though it didn't seem so brilliant now.

"Let's try again tomorrow." Maggie said, patting Amelia's back. Sad eyes laid on Maggie's and she bit her lip avoiding a laugh. "Don't look at me like that- I'm gonna blow,"

Eyes widened, Amelia took a huge crawl back. Maggie laughed quietly. "Dumbass, I was gonna blow, like laugh-blow!" she said, trying to remain in a low voice, a whisper.

"Ooh," Amelia relieved. Phew. "Alright then, let's try again tomorrow, I have another-"

"Nope. Nope. My turn now, I'll be the plan master. "

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