Chapter 4 - Have fun, Mer

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A month and two weeks has passed since Arizona's car crash. The blond recovered nicely and there were no complications that awoke weeks after she was discharged. Today also marks one week since she was cleared for surgery.

The head of pediatrics walked into the hospital all bright and smiley. Staff and nurses greeted as usual, she was the only surgeon those people happily and willingly greeted, but of course she did not know that. She smiled back at every nurse she encountered and they all blushed before her and her cute dimples. McPerky was back alright, everyone thought.

She was in the middle of rounds when someone paged her to the pediatric ward counter. The place she loved to be in since last week. Arizona gladly finished her rounds and skated her way to the place. With the biggest smile on her face, she greeted the head of general surgery.

"Mer," she smiled.

Meredith returned the warm welcome with a smile of her own. "Good to see you, Dr. Robbins." she said.

Most of the nurses were just getting ready for the morning shift and they stare at the two blonds as usual. They watched at they become closer and closer as days and morning like these pass by. They definitely got used to Meredith walking all the way here, to the pediatric ward, with the same chocolate cake in hand each morning.

"It never gets old," one of the nurses say beside Arizona.

"Mm, if we didn't know better we'd say you two were married." another says.

Arizona and Meredith laugh at them. "Thanks for the flattery," Dr. Grey tells them, gracing them with a smile she only flashed when Arizona was around.

"Hey," Alex says coming up to the two blonds. He was used to Meredith coming to their side of the hospital after a few days. It even become a part of his routine to check two of his closest friends by meeting them here by the receptionist.

"Hey," Meredith replies, she slid the chocolate behind her back and passed it to Arizona. Alex notices though, a brow raised. "Jeez, dude, chocolate cake? Again?" he says squinting.

Arizona couldn't help but laugh and raise both hands in the air, "You got us."

Alex took the chocolate from Arizona's hand and surveyed it. "And it's from the cafeteria. Again. Dude, I'll buy you a whole cake from across the street, just eat something else in the morning."

Meredith almost felt threatened by what Alex just said, but she didn't say anything. Only Meredith and Arizona knew why they kept showing up in the same place each morning with the same chocolate cake, and they wanted to keep it that way. So Arizona sighed at Alex, acting like he was her little brother.

"Lil Bro, I can take care of myself. And I can eat what I want," she jokes rubbing Alex's hair. Meredith giggles at the sight and so do the other staff. "Ooh cut it out!" he shouts, annoyed. He pulled Arizona's hand away and glares at Meredith then to Arizona. "Fine, I'll leave you and your chocolate cake alone. Just don't come crying to me when you get diabetes."

Arizona rolls her eyes despite the smile that spread across her face, she was enjoying every second of her morning. "Alright, Mer will get me a smaller piece of cake from now on. Right, Mer?" she says and Meredith thoroughly nods beside her.

Alex sighs in defeat. "Fine."

"Well, see you later, Dr. Grey." Arizona finally says. She preps her roller skates and flashes Meredith some dimples action. "See you later, Dr. Robbins. Go save some tiny humans."

Meredith made Arizona chuckle once again and she felt like giddy inside. Then, Arizona finally slides out of the receptionist counter and into the hallway to do some rounds. Meredith saw how she held the cake container in the air like a waiter in a restaurant and she liked it. Meredith smiles as her friend skates away, blond hair drifting in the wind.

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