Chapter 14 - What's the Status?

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Alex was holding his breathe.

April and Arizona were talking and chatting amongst themselves over coffee and pastries of which he all paid for.

That wasn't what made him nervous though.

"Hm? Hey, Alex join in on our convo would you? Drop the tensities." Arizona laughed.

"I... um, Mer's here." he said. The blond immediately thought he was joking.

She laughed towards April but April had that face she only wore when she knew something that Arizona didn't.

"Wait. No shit?" she asked.

"Look," Alex signaled to the entrance.

"No shit." April bit her lip.

"Wait- wait, I'm not ready yet. We need to leave. I-"

"Nope. April and I are leaving. You, stay here."

Arizona watched as Alex and April got up their seats and as Meredith waved goodbye to Amelia and Maggie from the outside.

Her siblings, Alex and April stood there waiting for Meredith to approach. While so, Arizona thought this was not a coincidence.

"Did she just happen to come by because... I don't think so," she says. Calmer now.

"Sorry, dude. But you have to talk to her, she's practically been begging me for a talk with you." Alex said.

April kissed Arizona on the cheek good bye. "Goodluck, we'll be right there, by the window."

And finally, they were away, and Meredith asked for the seat in front of Arizona.

"Go ahead, as you can see they already left me," Arizona tried to joke.

Meredith bit her lip, anxious. "Right,"

"So you wanted to talk?"

She nodded.

"About the kiss,"

"Mm, yeah took me by surprise."

"And I left without explaining it,"

Arizona chuckled, "What is there to explain? You're straight and you kissed me."

"I'm not straight. Clearly." said Meredith abrupt. This took Arizona by surprise.

"Oh- I'm sorry. Then you kissed me because?"

"I like you, okay."

Just outside, Amelia and Maggie were watching Meredith's every move. While Alex and April to Arizona's.

"Do you think they'll immediately start... you know, dating, after this?" Amelia's voice sprung.

Alex noticed the serious question, "Hm, maybe. I don't care."

"Rude," April retorts.

"NO, dude. Not like that. I don't care if they do, as long as they're happy."

Amelia and Maggie chuckled, "What a good example to be a sibling. Do you two always think like that for Arizona?"

Confused, Alex opened his mouth. But April got ahead of him. "What do you mean, like we always think about the best for our sister thing?"

"Oh yeah, exactly. 'Cause Amelia and I just think about Mer getting laid."

April laughed and so did Amelia. It was not taken too well by Alex though, man couldn't take a joke being too tense.

"Jeez," Alex glared looking back to the table of the two blonds.

"I get it, she's pretty and tall and stunning, everything I'm not." Meredith said making Arizona choke on her coffee. "What?" the serious blond said.

"You know that's comedy, she said the same thing about you. She said you were Dr. Meredith Grey, just your name, like it was a compliment."

Meredith nodded, still serious. "And what's so funny?"

"I don't know you two keep complimenting each other so maybe date each other and leave me out of it," Arizona joked.

She sighed, "Arizona, please. I'm trying to talk to you about this seriously."

So the bright blond wiped the coffee from her lips and sat up. "Sorry," she responded.

Meredith was pleased to see Arizona make an effort, but her feelings didn't show. She still looked glum and everything not shiny. Dark and twisted.

"Right, where were we," Arizona continued.

"I was saying, I would get it if you pick Carina instead of me."

Arizona could only gulp to that.

"She's an out whatever you call it-"


"Yeah, and so then be it if you like her more. I'm new to this and I heard before you don't date newborns."

"That ended after Callie though," Arizona corrected.

"Point is, I get it. And if you do pick that, that damn OB, can we stay friends?" Meredith said, all genuine.

Arizona smiled and flashed her dimples, "Of course we can,"

"So, friends?" she general surgeon said, quite disappointed by what the conversation has become. Of course she was disappointed.

"Friends." Arizona said looking towards the giant glass window. They're company was there. Alex eyed her mouth, she giggled. She wiped a tear before saying her side of things.

"Did she just say friends?" Alex said to the women with him.

"Oh no." April said. "They're going to be friends after everything that happened? I mean- they're like meant for each other I just don't get it."

"Don't let me ruin your ideas, but Derek and her had a rocky start too. So maybe they'll end up married still, if you know what I mean." she said looking to Maggie.

"Yeah, they work at the same hospital, there's no way they wouldn't be reminded of lingering feelings."

"Lingering feelings?" Alex questioned the use of words.

"Oh cut it, I want you to read their lips better! I'm sure they didn't say friends just now." April said, defending her ship.

"So who said we should be just friends? I like you too, Mer. And unfortunately if you wanted it your way, the can we still be friends way, do know that friends don't kiss. At least, I think," Meredith laughed.

Arizona's face lit up to the sound of it. "I guess we have something going on now,"

Meredith locked her eyes into Arizona's, "Now what would you call it? I think I would call it dating."

Her eyes sparkled as she laughed. Meredith could not believe the grin on her face.

Arizona sighed satisfied. "Dating,"

"Did they just say dating!" April gasped. With the anxiety flowing in her, she could pee her pants.

"I think so," Alex said.

Amelia and Maggie turned to the two, unbelieving and shocked faces. And the four watched as Meredith and Arizona stood up and walked beside each other. The blonds reached the entrance-exit door with stern faces.

"Please tell me they're dating," April put her hands together appearing to be praying. Alex exhaled.

"Hey, guys. Had fun reading our lips?" Arizona joked.

"You bet." Amelia pulled a hand for everyone to high-five.

Everyone but Meredith gave her one. "You're no fun, Mer. Anyways, what's the status?"

Amelia jumped excitedly. And though it didn't show, Alex, April, and Maggie were just as excited.

"Dating." Meredith said. "Exclusively, dating."

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