Chapter 3 - Just Past Midnight

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"Everything seems fine, Arizona. I guess I did a pretty good job with the emergency surgery yesterday. Nothing out of the ordinary to see here." Amelia smiles. Arizona could not see her but Amelia could see Arizona. So the blond spared a smile inside the MRI room.

"So, since we can't see the problem I'll just ask you directly. Do you remember how you crashed?"

Arizona thought long and hard, then she finally answered. "I was... I was crying but my eyes were on the road. Then the truck came up out of nowhere,"

Amelia nodded. She was considerate of how Arizona felt and asked if she was feeling alright now. Arizona said she was fine. Amelia then proceeded to dismiss her along with Alex and April.

"Well, you heard her. Crashed because she was crying. Nothing wrong in the head." Amelia says, adding a filter to her no-filter mouth, just incase she jokes at the wrong moment. 

Alex and April understood. "Thanks." Alex said. It was the only real, non-angry statement Alex replied to her all day. Amelia smiled. 

"No problemo," she said before fading away. 

Alex and April looked at each other and walked into Arizona's room. Their sister was laying there doing nothing. 

"Hey, anything I missed out on?" she asked sitting up. 

"Op, op, go back to sleep." April said rushing beside her.

Arizona broke into a smile, "Thanks, April but I wasn't really sleeping."

"Oh shut it, just sleep!" Arizona let out a chuckle before closing her eyes, she loved that she had Alex and April. Alex was smiling at the side too, his quest to protect his sister continues. 

"Amelia," Meredith muttered when she saw her sister walk down the hallway from Arizona's room. The brunette looked up to see Meredith, a smile suddenly flashed on her face.

"Mer!" she shouted before skipping down the hallway like a little kid. 

"Amelia," she repeated, louder now.

"That's me." she joked. "Anyways, I just got back from Arizona's room, I ran some tests, Owen told me to."

"So?" she said.

Amelia chuckled and handed Meredith a big brown envelope, the envelope she put all the scans in. "There. Owen told me to hand them to you personally. It's good that I found you," 

Amelia corrected herself, "Or maybe you found me, aye, you were going to check up on her weren't you?" Her voice was hinting a tease in which Meredith did not understand, what was there to tease. 

"Yes," she replied.

"Oh, let's do that later, sister." the neurosurgeon retorts and pulls Meredith to walk the other direction. "Alex and April are there, you wouldn't want to disturb their family moment."

Amelia made up a lame excuse to get Meredith off Arizona for a while. She knew that if her sister pulls up in a very much unnecessary visit Alex would be onto Mer. And it wasn't as if there was nothing to be on to, there was, but Amelia thought Alex's approval can wait until Meredith notices her behavior herself.

Straight out of surgery, Meredith called Maggie because her sister was watching the kids. It was way past bedtime so Maggie just said they were sound asleep and that they ate pasta for dinner. Meredith was happy to hear that and proceeded to visit Arizona. 

Her other sister, the comedic-relief one, Amelia, stopped her visit yesterday. But now that she was gone, she reviewed the scans before entering Arizona's room.

"Hey," she said to the blond. Of course she did not respond. Arizona was sound-asleep, just like her kids. Letting a yawn escape her, Meredith checked the monitors, they were normal. Everything was fine, she thought. Nodding, she rested on the same chair she slept on the last time she was there. She did not take a nap this time though, this time she just stared at her colleague. 

Yup, just her colleague, not even friends at this point. She could basically label them enemies since the custody battle. Even though Meredith regret it now, she hasn't said sorry to Arizona since. She realized now that the guilt from that custody battle was one of the reasons. One of the reasons she tried so hard to bring back Arizona.

She saw earlier though that Arizona was not really mad at her, she knew well the bright blond doesn't do mad. That she did not hold grudges. And she was happy she was right. Heck, she even hoped that through the cake she brought, she could be friends with the blond now. Besides, even though Owen told her to entertain Arizona while she was there; he did not explicitly say to bring Arizona her favorite cake from that one corner of the cafeteria nobody gives a damn about. Nope. That was Meredith's idea.

She really did hope to fix things with Arizona. 

Arizona's eyes flutter open despite the lack of sound, and Meredith froze in her chair. 

"Oh hey, Grey." she smiled sheepishly. Her voice a tad bit groggy.


"So you did check on me, what time is it?"

"Just past midnight, like I said I would come by this morning."

Arizona nodded and hummed in response. Meredith could tell she was struggling to stay awake.

"You don't need to talk to me you know. Go back to sleep." she said but Arizona shook her head slightly. 

"I'll keep you company until you leave. The least I can do for you, you saved my life."

Meredith could not help the smile that crept up to her, blood rushed to her face too. "Don't use that card on me now. I already got my pay when I shoved overly-sweet cake up your throat."

The half-asleep blond chuckled. 

"Hey, Mer." she said, her eyes remained closed. Meredith was happy to hear Arizona call her by her first name rather than Grey.


"Can I ask you a favor?" Meredith's curiosity rose. She surely said yes. Arizona opened her mouth, and then said wait. That she could not remember what she was going to say. This made Meredith chuckle, Arizona was definitely still half-asleep.

"Oh right. Can you bring me cake again?"

Meredith sat up, "Sure. Tomorrow?" 

"Mmm. And the day after that. And the rest of the days after that day." Arizona said, and her voice grew smaller as she did. Despite the hassle in Arizona's voice, Meredith understood the blond clearly.

"Will do, Arizona."

The blond in bed did not respond though. She was asleep once again. And Meredith left her the way she came in.

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