Chapter 8 - Move A Bit

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"Hey," Meredith said buying over Arizona's attention from the ladies on the dancefloor. She was not at all amused by the blonde's priorities. Yet she was surprised when Arizona turned to her, the frown on her face, turning into a grin.

"Hey," Arizona replied. "I have an idea." 

Meredith gulped. She stared at a tomato-like Arizona who was getting ready to dance. In all sanity, she tried hard not to kiss the other blond. She did not allow herself even a peck on the bright blonde's cheek. Control yourself, she thought.

"S-sure. What is it?" she managed to stutter her way through. Arizona's grin only widened, and Meredith got pulled into the crowd by the drunk surgeon.

"Ooh- ah, sorry." Meredith bumped into people along the way, unsure why they had to dance some place else on the dance floor. But then the world blurred out when she caught a glance of Arizona's hand holding hers. Her heart skipping and face heating up.

Arizona stopped and suddenly, Meredith felt the Arizona's hands running down her. From her shoulder trailing to her lower back and braking on her curves. 

"Hm?" Arizona hummed having fun. 

Meredith gulped heavier. Still unbelieving of the intense atmosphere they were in, and it happened in less than a minute; it all happened because Arizona was drunk. 

Meredith snapped back to reality when Arizona's face neared hers. 

Inches away from each other, Meredith looked into the other woman's eyes, awake, and a lot more sober. Debating in her head to pull away or push through.

Arizona, the drunk one, grinned staring at Meredith's lips. Meredith sighed.

"No," she pulled away. And she locked away from Arizona's embrace; surprised, the pediatric surgeon stared as Meredith panicked. 

"I- I'm sorry," Meredith said, scratching her arm. But Arizona couldn't make up a reply of her own as she felt her world was uneven, shaking slightly. She was light on her feet, barely feeling any weight pull her down. She made an effort to meet Meredith's eyes though.

"Are you okay?" the sober blond asked, genuine worry wash on her. Despite the awkward tension seconds ago, she rushed to Arizona as the woman passed-out. In her arms, she walked Arizona away from the dancefloor. And away from Joe's altogether. 

She sighed while assisting Arizona's weight on her shoulders. Though her night and supposedly 'date', was cut short before she can even declare it a date to the woman in her arms. She was glad that Arizona wasn't with anybody else tonight. 

Tonight, even though Arizona did not know, Meredith was already happy knowing Arizona wasn't well-off flirting with another woman. 

 She managed to hop Arizona into her car. And she sat behind the wheel right after. She sighed, hands on the wheel though the car wasn't on. She was looking outside the window but then averted the gaze to woman beside her. 

She felt her face soften at the sight. 

Like knowing someone was staring at her, Arizona's eyes fluttered. 

"Huh? I'm sorry wha- where am I?" she said and Meredith giggled. 

"In Mer's car, Arizona." she replied.

Arizona smiled and went back to sleep. Meredith chuckled to herself before plugging her keys in.

Meredith took her best friend home to her bed. It was an innocent idea, really. She saw Maggie along the way inside the house watching a movie and Maggie noticed her too. A confused look even plastered on her face, Meredith didn't explain though and went on to upstairs with a passed-out Arizona. 

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