Part 15

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Your POV

You sat in the room trying to rap your head around your current situation. You knew something was going on, Nat had an odd look on her face when she called Steve. Left in the room alone you get up from the bed to stretch your legs.

Tony walks in the room. "Ah, you're up. How ya feeling Benedict Arnold" He says as he sat on the hospital bed. "Ha ha, very funny Tony. I'm feeling alright considering" you say as you point at the wound Logan gave you. "Ouch, I'm guessing Edward scissor hands gave you that battle wound" said Tony. "Who was that guy anyway?" you say laughing.
"Don't get me started on that guy" said Tony, as Nick Fury and Steve walk into the room.
"How are you feeling" said Nick. You told him you were fine and he got right down to business.
"What do you know about the plans to kidnap the Professor?" Asked Nick.
"Not much" you reply. You were put under a spell of sorts but you had kept your ears to the pavement and your eyes wide open. Mind controlled or not, you were still an agent and an agent is always vigilant.
"I know that we are all fucked if he got this Professor everyone is talking about. There's nothing we can do now." you say.
"There's always something we can do." said Steve.
"From what I heard, this Professor is one powerful man and if Loki has control over him, he has control of his powers too, and that's a big problem." You say.
"You seem to know a lot about the situation" said Nick with a not so trusting look in his eye.
"I know its gonna be hard to trust me, but I'm loyal to my team Nick" You say.  You meant every word. He nodded. "Get dressed and ready for briefing" said Nick. With that, he walk out with out saying another word.

Steve's POV
I stared at Tony. Why was he even here. Didn't he have something better to do?
"After briefing, we should go grab a bite to eat, you look hungry." Tony said to Y/N. Did he just ask my girl out on a date? I wasn't sure how to react. Technically I never ask her to be my girlfriend but I'm sure she knows how I feel about her.
"Tony, you're a class act. Pepper is so lucky to have you." she says sarcastically. She looks at me and smiles. "Now if you dont mind, I have to get dressed and ready for briefing." She says to Tony. Tony rolls his eyes and says "your loss" as he walks out of the room, leaving us alone.
"What a jerk, I don't know what Pepper sees in him" she says shaking her head. I totally agree but I don't want to get into that conversation. "Get dressed. I'll wait for you outside" I said as I left the room.

I didn't understand why she needed to be there. She needs to rest, she shouldn't be at this briefing. I just got her back and now I'm at risk of losing her again. After a while she joins me in the hallway. Together we walk to the briefing room, chit chatting as we go. We were the last ones to get there. "You're late" said Fury when we went to take our seats.

Your POV
You notice a few new faces in the room. You recognized the man who stabbed you. There was no hard feelings on your end, but by the way he glared at you; he was still mad about the whole shooting him thing....

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