A cabin in the woods

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Your POV
You walked up to the river bank. You carefully walked into the water in the direction where your car might be. When the water got deep, you dove under water. You went as deep as you could. You felt around with your hands cause it was very difficult to see. You resurfaced, and again dove deep. You just prayed that you'd find it soon. You were starting to feel a pressure in your lungs. On the fourth dive you find it. You resurfaced to take a huge breath.
When you reach the car you realize that the door on the drivers side is missing! You take the keys from the ignition and quickly swim to the truck. Once there, you grab your weapons bag and the other duffel bag.
You make it back to the bank and just lay in the grass. You felt exhausted. You notice the man beside you. He sits next to you.
"Are you ok" he asked.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine" you said, panting between words. "So what's in the bag. What's so important that you would put yourself at risk." Asked the man. You ignored him and tried to catch your breath. You thought of Steve. You stood up and picked up the two duffle bags.
"Thank you for everything stranger" you said as you got ready to take your leave. "Where are you going?" Asked the man.
"I need to contact my friends and let them know I'm OK. They need my help and I can't help them from here." You said still panting. You started to feel faint. He could clearly see that. You started to go down and thankfully he caught you before you hit the grass face first. He threw you over his shoulder and pick up your duffle bags and headed towards the wilderness....

Steve's POV
"Does anyone have eyes on Loki" I said over the com. Everyone had the same answer, no. I'm starting to fear that this was just a, diversion. That while we are here, something more horrible was happening some place else. Loki has already used this tactic on us before. To many times for us to still be falling for his diversion.
"He's clearly not here, so what's next Cap" said Clint over the com. I didn't have an answer. I didn't know what was next. My mind was on one person, and it wasnt Loki.
"So do we just go. Steve? Are you there?" Nat said over the com.
"Yeah, let's head back" I say. With that I put my shield on my back and head towards the X jet.

Your POV

When you woke up you felt groggy. You looked around, letting your eyes take in your surroundings. You spring out of the bed. "Whoa, take it easy" says a somewhat familiar voice. You turn to see the stranger sitting in the corner.
"Where am I?" you asked.
"A cabin in the woods. Not far from the river. You fainted on the river bank." He replied.
"Oh" you say, running your fingers through your still damp hair.
"Where are my bags?" You ask in panic when you remembered about it. He stood from the chair and went to where they were. He picked up the weapons bag and sat back down laying the bag on his lap.
"Can you give me my bag?" You ask. You had your hands to your side, and you fist balled.
"Sure but first, can I ask you a question." He asked.
"Yeah sure." You replied, clearly annoyed.
"What's a pretty dame like you doing working for shield?" You were almost shocked till you remembered you left your badge in your bag. You opened your mouth to speak but before you do he says "Did they send you for me?"
That completely threw you off.
"What?" You say. You heard what he said but that word chose to come out.
"Was this all a set up?" He said looking you dead in the eye.
"A set up? You think I drowned myself on purpose in hopes that you'd save me. You sound crazy." You say.
"I'm not crazy. Why are you here?" He asked
"You brought me here, remember?" You reply
"No, at the river, in this area, why are you here" he asked. "I dont even know any more" you say. "I just wanted to help Steve but of course all I do is fuck shit up." You say, shaking you head in disappointment.
"Steve?" He says. He sounded worried. No...He was scared.
You could see he was having some kind mental battle with himself. You took advantage and tried to get your things. When you get close to him you quickly in one smooth motion, grab your bag. He didn't even seem to care anymore. He was stuck in a daze mumbling something that didn't sound like English. You could've walked right out the door and he wouldn't noticed, but you didn't. Who ever this dude was he saved you so you couldn't just leave him while he was a having a clear mental breakdown....
Thank you reading my imagine! Also,Thank you so much for the votes everyone. Sorry I've been taking so long to update :(

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