Part 11

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Steve's POV

"She's a fighter Steve. We'll find her, she'll be ok" says Coulson trying to reassure me. I heard the recording of the call she made. She didn't say anything, but you could hear the gun shots clearly. She's already injured, so how much of a fight could she have put up. I have to find her, but where do we start. There are no clues to where she could have gone. "Steve?" Exclaimed Coulson, snapping my out of my thoughts. "I'm sorry" I say. "Where do you think we should start." Says Coulson, repeating his question. "We need a list of all properties we think are owned by Hydra. You know, warehouses. Bases, that kind of thing. They have to be holding her somewhere." I reply.
"Do we even know she's alive, they emptied a clip into your couch Steve. And possibly threw her out of a window, granted there wasn't much blood found at the scene but who knows." says Natasha.

I didn't want to think about that. I don't know why Natasha has to act like this, acting as if we're discussing a random agent. She knows this isn't just any other rescue mission to me.
"She's alive Natasha" says Clint as he gives me a reassuring head nod.
"How are we going to find her. Its like she fell off the face of the earth. There's not even one lead, it's pretty much hopeless." says Tony. "There's only one person I know who can help in situations like this" says Fury creeping from the shadows.

I hate when Nick talks in riddles. "You four are going on a little road trip" said Fury. "Here's the address, you will find him there" Fury said handing me a piece of paper. I look at it and then hand it to Tony. "Well I can fly so, yeah, I'll meet you guys there" said Tony.
"We need to stick together, we're a team Tony" said Clint.
"A team? I don't know about that Robin Hood, I work better alone" said Tony. "Westchester  county isn't that far of a drive, let him fly we'll be there in no time" said Natasha.

Natasha, Clint, and I are in a SUV, speeding down the express way.
"Do you think he can help us" I ask Natasha.
"Yeah, I do" says Natasha. "Don't worry Steve, everything's going to be fine" say Natasha. Its like she knew what I was thinking.

The drive took about an hour, but it felt like forever to me. We finally make it to the place. "Wow, it's even bigger than I thought" says Natasha. "Is this really a school?" says Clint as he stares at the beautiful mansion. Natasha parked the car and we make our way to the main entrance.

We reach the front door. I knock. There's no answer, so I knock again. Still no answer, but before I could knock again, a little boy opens the door.
"Hey buddy is there an adult around we can talk to." I say to him. He nods. He lets us in and we stand near the door. This place is beautiful. Its like nothing I've ever seen before. "There you are Jason" says a women with white hair as she walks up to the boy. She makes eye contact with us. "May I help you" she says to us. "We're looking for Professor Xavier" says Natasha.
"And why are you looking for the professor" asked the white haired women.
"We need his help, he's our only hope in finding Agent Y/L/N" I said.
"Who are you people" ask the women with white hair. "I'm Steve Rogers, this is Natasha, and this is Clint" I say, pointing to them. "We aren't here to start trouble. We just need his help, please" I say, my voice thick with desperation. The women must have sensed it, her whole  demeanor changed.
"I'll get the professor, stay here" said the white haired women with a soft smile. While we were waiting, Natasha brings up a good point, where is Stark? "He should have made it here before us" said Natasha. Stark  always has to make things difficult. He should have been here. I'm fed up with him and his arrogance....end of part 11.1

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