Run away

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You scoop the little girl up in your arms.
"Its ok, I'm going to get you out of here." You reassured her. She was crying and shaking. The poor little thing was terrified. You were at the top of the stairs when you see Rumlow coming up fast through the smoke. You turned around and tried to run but he caught you by the hair and pulled you to him. He grips your hair tighter as he smiles. He throws you face fist to the nearest wall. He threw you with such force that the blow to the head made you extremely dazed, and the little girl was knocked unconscious. Everything was a blur but you can see Rumlow walking towards you. You tried to get up but couldn't. He pulled back his fist. All you could do is close your eyes as it came towards you.
You hear a loud noise. You quickly open your eyes to see Rumlow was on the floor. And a young guy was standing in front of you.
"Who are you?" you say in a dazed voice.
"No time for names. We gotta get out of here. This place is gonna blow. Trust me, it always does." said the silver haired guy.
He scooped the little girl up in his arms and was gone in the blink of an eye. Before you could even think your next thought he was back for you.
"Come on now." he says as he helps you up. In a flash you were outside. He puts you down and before you can say anything, you puke all over the lawn In front of everyone.
"Most people just get dizzy but you actually puked." He laughed.
"Im Quicksilver by the way." he said, and he was off.
"Nobody calls him that" said Logan as he tosses rag at you. You clean yourself up quickly, feeling a little embarrassed. You looked at all the chaos around you. At all the scared little faces. The team was clearly shaken by this. We need to a plan of attack. You had to do something.
"Guys we dont have time to waste we-" you start but was interrupted mid sentence.
"Jean, Scott, and Tony with me. Y/N, Rogue, and Jubilee make sure the kids get to safety" said Logan. He continued to give orders.
"But I can help you guys" you replied.
"And you are by getting the kids to safety." Said Logan.
"But-" you tried to cut in.
"We dont have time to babysit you and save the professor. You brought this problem to us. You put everyone here in danger. I think you've done enough." He snapped at you.
You tried to hold back the tears but you couldn't. You just took off running. You heard them call your name but you ran anyways. He was right.

"That was cold" said Tony.

"You didn't have to be so mean. She feels really bad." said Jean

Steves POV
"Where's Y/N" I ask
"Gone" Logan replied coldly.
"What do you mean gone?" I asked

"Logan Scissor hands was being a dick and she ran away" said Tony as he popped some candy in his mouth nonchalantly.

I know I should go after her but we all had bigger fish to fry at the moment. I know she can take care of herself...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2019 ⏰

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