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You had been driving for hours. You had half a plan. You knew who you needed to find, you just didn't know where to start or how to find him. The middle of nowhere looked like a pretty good place to start. You can see in the distance ahead that your driving head on into a Storm. The sky was gray and full of storm clouds. It felt like a good omen since the God of thunder is who you were looking for.

It starts to rain heavily. You can barely see what's a head. The fact that you couldn't see to well didn't slow you down. The lightning illuminated the sky. It was beautiful, and also lit your view to show you that you were approaching a bridge. You slowed down a bit. The thunder came roaring. It was extremely loud. It spooked you a bit. You knew with lightning comes thunder, but you just weren't expecting it to be that loud. Then suddenly it started to hail. Giant golf ball sized hail started pummeling your windshield. You tried desperately to see and keep control of the car. It was too late, you lost control and your car spun out. Your car slams into the protective rails, busting right through them. You went right over the bridge into the river. Everything happened so fast, next thing you knew your car was in the water and you were sinking fast. The car was filling up with water at an alarming speed.
"Fuck" you said repeatedly as you desperately tried to free yourself from the seat belt. The belt wouldn't let you go. You began hyperventilating,
"Oh god!" you said between frantic breaths as you clawed at the seat belt. The latch was jammed, or broken what ever it was it wasn't releasing you. You started to panic even more. The water was at you neck and raising fast. You took a final deep breath cursing yourself for putting your weapons bag in the trunk instead of the back seat. You tried to free yourself again, but couldn't. It was agony but no matter what, you were going to hold your breath as long as you could.

You were on the verge of losing consciousness. This was your breaking point. 'I can't die, not like this' you thought to yourself. You thought of your family and friends, and Steve. You never even told him how you really felt about him. It didn't matter now. You let them all down. Your body started to react to your lack of oxygen. You took an involuntary erratic breath. Water rushed into your mouth, nose and windpipe. The last thing you saw was darkness closing in on all sides...

Steve's POV

"Sounds easy enough but how are we going to get in touch with Thor, Nat. Its not like he has a cell" said Clint with a chuckle.
"He's right. We have to handle this on our own in the mean time. Thor always has a way of knowing when he's needed. He'll be around soon enough" I said. I'm trying to stay focus, but I can't get Y/N off my mind. I want to ask Tony about her where a bouts but I don't agree with him tracking her in the first place. It wouldn't be right. I'm so conflicted at this point, I can't stay focused. With out a word I leave the room heading to the kitchen area. The X mansion was huge but I've already learned to get around without getting lost.

I head to the refrigerator and grab a bottle of water. sitting down I get lost in my thoughts again.
"You alright?" Asked Nat, breaking me out of my deep thought.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I reply quickly. I never even heard her step into the room. that's a problem. I'm way too distracted.
"Its Y/N isn't it" said Nat with a smirk and eyebrow raised. I nod.
"She'll be alright, she's probably at home now stuffing her face with pizza" said Nat.
"She's not, Tony put a tracker in her and she's gone AWOL." I say. That stunned Nat.
"I don't even know what to address first. That she's gone AWOL or that Tony put a tracker on her." Said Nat. "Not on her, in her" I say. Its like she couldn't believe what I just said. I don't even believe it sometimes. Nat said nothing more and walked away. I'm sure she went to give Stark a piece of her mind....

Your POV

You coughed and gasped wildly as you were pulled back from the after life. Still choking and gagged, you spit up a huge amount of water. A hand was guiding you to sit up and spit everything up. You coughed wildly, trying to catch your breath; still spitting up lots water. You threw up everything in your stomach. When you finally got a grip on your breathing everything that had happened came flooding back to you. You looked around, you were on a river bank. You were soak and wet. The sun was gone and the Moon was settling in the sky. You couldn't believe you were alive.
"You saved me" you say looking up at the stranger who was standing over you. He was dress in black and soaked like you. You couldn't see his face, your eyes struggled to focus in on it. "We have to get you to a hospital, you might still have some water in you lungs" said the stranger. He reaches out to help you up. You grab his hand and he lifts you. You stumble back and he catches you, gently laying you back down on the ground. You were still so weak from the drowning. He doesn't say a word and lifts you up bridal style. Only now, you finally get a clear look at his face. He looked so familiar... You had no idea why but your heart started to race.....

And thank you so much everyone who has read and voted on this story. I hope you enjoyed this part.

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