19.5 RING

454 16 3

"Dark is...

in New York.

With someone who looked exactly like you."

He's in New York...

But he is with someone who looks exactly like me...

He's with my twin...

It felt like the earth was made of glass and then suddenly it was hit by a meteor that crashed the fragile glass into thousands of pieces.

My eyes were burning and hot liquid started flowing down my cheeks.

So all this time.

All these three months that had passed, he was with my twin sister all along.

My knees started to lose their strength and I was about to fall but Kisses and Cad rushed to my side to stop me from falling.

H-how could he do this to me? Now that we are starting a family?

My heart hurt so much and my tears were streaming uncontrollably. I tried screaming the pain but it wasn't enough to calm my heart from the pain it was feeling.

"Ela, please calm down," Kisses said as she wrapped her arms around me and her gentle hand rubbed against my back.

It hurts so much. So much more than a million knives stabbing me all at once.

"Shhhh, Ela be strong. You have a baby with you," Kisses said

But that wasn't enough to calm me down. I just hugged Kisses back and cried until I can't cry anymore. It wasn't that long until I had stopped crying and started to lose consciousness, what happens next was pitch black not sure what happened to me and my baby.

"The patient is alright and so is the baby. She just lost consciousness out of fatigue that her body can't handle anymore. I advise her to take a few days of good rest and avoid getting stress because it can harm the baby," a faint voice of an unfamiliar voice was the first thing I notice as I started to regain my consciousness.

"Thank you so much, Dr. Valle," Kisses' said, and the sound of the door closing and the footsteps faded I opened my eyes slowly adjusting to the bright light that lighted the room.

"W-where am I?" I said as I tried to sit up but was stopped by Kisses.

"You're at our house, resting and the doctor said that you are alright and so is the baby so Ela lay down and rest until you fully regain your strength to stand up again."

"B-but I have to see Dark-"

"Ela do that when you are fully recovered."


"No buts Ela, whether you like it or not you have no choice but to follow, or else you will not only risk yourself but your baby's life too."

Right, I'm pregnant and I'm carrying our baby.

I tried to sit up again but Kisses stopped me, "I told you to rest didn't I?"

"But Kisses this is your house I can't just bargain and sleep here."

"Who said you're not allowed to sleep here whenever you wanted?"


"Ela you lost consciousness because you were not taking care of yourself, so stay here and let me take care of you until you are well."

"Then I'll be a big burden to you."

"You are never a burden Ela, and I will gladly watch over you if you can't take care of yourself. Besides we're like sisters aren't we?"

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