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"Mommy, make a wish already!" Midnight, the youngest of my triplets, exclaimed excitedly."Make a wish beautiful," Lightning said as he held the cake in front of me, waiting for me to blow out the candles. I closed my eyes and wished, "I wish my children would grow up happily.""Mommy, can we have the cake now?" my children exclaimed as I opened my eyes and blew out the burning candles.So the whole commotion was all for the cake?Hayst, no matter how many years passed, my son will always be a cake connoisseur.But, since it's my birthday, I'll be generous to them today: "Fine, you can have a slice, but only one slice, okay?""Two!" my triplets exclaimed simultaneously."One," I said."Please, we will drink lots of lots of water! We promise please," my sons pleaded and they look so cute begging for two slices of cake. My kids know where to hit the spot when they wanted something, "Alright, two slices of cakes."My agreement with them is like music to their ears, and my kids were giddy with delight as they ran to the kitchen to get plates and forks.Lightning muttered, "Happy birthday, beautiful," as he placed his arms around me and kissed my cheek from behind.I turned to him and wrapped my arms around his neck as he slowly swirled us around the living room, no music playing and only my children fighting about the cake."How did you get those mischievous piglets to work with you?""They planned it, I'm only the finance," Lightning replied but I know there's more to it than that."And?""I know you're going to hate me, but it was the only way they'd cooperate," Lightning sighed before confessing to me how those little piglets cooperated with him."Don't tell you...""Yes, I bought them ice cream and chocolates.""Lightning! You know ho-""Don't worry, I made sure they didn't eat too many sweets and that they drank plenty of water!" Lightning was panicking as he tried to convince me that he didn't spoil my boys with sweets."I promise beautiful, I didn't give them too much. Please believe me."Lightning and my kids are...Well, I'm not sure how to put it, but they don't get along very well. They weren't like this after a few months of us dating, but then one day they didn't want him anymore. They would go to any length to aggravate Lightning, but Lightning remained unfazed with their antics."I suppose that's fine, but you should make sure you don't offer them sweets next time.""I promise, beautiful," Lightning said, raising his hand and promising not to do it again. Well, I'm not too concerned since Lightning treats them as if they were his children, and I know this because I've seen him look after them when I'm not around and when I can't. He was like their father figure when Dark isn't beside them.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 42 is now available in Hinovel and Nova!So who's your bet for Eleanor?


Excited to see Dark? Don't worry he's coming soon ;)Might not be able to upload this week because it's exam season;-; but I will resume writing after my exams!

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