Breakfast and a Brat

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I woke up to Claude and Hannah entering the bedroom I was staying in. I guess I could say my bedroom now. The sun had shown through the tall windows on the left side of the bedroom, having the sun hit almost directly on the pillow on which I was sleeping. I looked up to see Hannah with a(n) f/c dress in her arms.

"Good morning, Lady y/n." said Claude, "You will be having breakfast with your highness shortly. Please be dressed as soon as possible and I will get you whenever he is ready for you."

He then closed the door. Hannah helped me into my new dress, which surprisingly fit perfectly. Afterward, Claude came back in to escort me to the dining hall. When he opened the bedroom door, he held up his hand for me to take, and I did.

On our way there, Hannah sped up in front of us, I think in order to make it into the kitchen. I looked at the paintings in the long hallways, the expensive carpet on the floor, the wood on the railing of the stairs that lead to a huge ballroom. But before I was able to take it all in, we were already at the entrance of the dining hall. I held my breath as Claude opened the door.

"This is Lady y/n Hollister," said Claude, "whom you will be courting with, as I had told you before."

I stepped into the dining hall to see a long table with a white tablecloth. And at the end of the table was a blonde-haired boy. He looked at me with blue eyes that were narrowed into small slits. He was very pale, but when we made eye contact a little color went into his cheeks.

Wait a moment, Claude had just said that I would be courting with him? He had never mentioned that to me before. I brushed it off, I think it's a cover for me to be able to stay here. But if that were true, wouldn't have Claude told me? Maybe he forgot.

"It's very nice to meet you Trancy-"

"My name is Alois!" He yelled, interrupting me. "You're a lot less pretty than I imagined you. Pfft."

I gasped. How can this young man be so upfront and rude in front of a lady? I looked at Claude. He said nothing. I sat down. Alois was sitting quite improperly. He was slouching and had his arms crossed close to his chest as he stared at me.

"Claude, why is she here?" Alois asked.

"I discussed this with you last night, remember?" Claude said as he poured Alois a cup of tea.

"No, why is she sitting here? Shouldn't she be outside, like where the other piggies eat?"

I gasped again. There was a long silence, then loud laughter.

"Bahahahah!" yelled Alois. He then leaned over the table and started pointing at me.

"Would you look at that face of yours! You look hysterical!"

Then he went into another laughing fit. He looked over at me again and became quiet.

"Why aren't you laughing?" he said, whining like a child.

"Because Alois," I started, dead-faced, "you're being quite rude to me and I don't like it."

"Rude? Nobody calls me that."

He then became just as mean-looking as he was when I first walked in. We started looking at each other almost like we were having a staring contest. After about three seconds, Hannah came into the room with our breakfast. After that, we both sat in silence as we ate. Sometimes I would look up and catch him staring at me again, but then would look away when we made eye contact.

After breakfast, I was escorted back to my bedroom. Claude then gave me a tour of the estate while Alois was in his room, doing whatever. It was none of my concern. I did find out, however, that his bedroom was right across the hall from mine. That is sure to give me trouble later. Claude also told me that there will be a ball that night. I'm not entirely sure what it is for though.

My first impression of Alois was not the best one. Although I do find him quite attractive, considering he is about my age, I found his personality is ugly. He is uncharming, rude and most of all, hard to read. I couldn't tell if he hated my presents or if he wanted me there. It's not like it would matter anyway. I trust that Claude would keep me safe anyway, even if Alois didn't like me.

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