Dramatic with a Side of Tea

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"Ciel Phantomhive is scheduled for a visit later this afternoon," Claude said.

Alois and I were having lunch together in the dining hall as we always did. He dropped his fork on the floor, it landed with a thud.

"What the hell does he want?" he asked, looking bored.

"Apparently he had some questions regarding an investigation," answered Claude.

"This again, I already told him I knew nothing of this l/n girl he was looking for."

I choked on my drink, coughing violently. Claude rushed over to me and bent over to hit my back.

"No need to make a scene, miss," he whispered in my ear.

I cleared my throat to see Alois staring at me in fright.

"My apologies," I say before acting as if nothing happened.

My outward appearance seemed calm and collected, but my head was running wild. Maybe I heard him wrong, there must be a much more important family with a name similar to mine.

"Why is that young boy holding an investigation?" I asked smoothly.

"That boy is who you would call the Queen's Guard Dog. He does whatever her majesty asks of him. Mostly her dirty work," Alois said with discontent, "Who cares anyway, I just want him to leave as soon as possible."

I looked down at my food. It made me sick, my stomach was in knots. I had no need to worry though. I have no family, nobody would be looking for me.

"Hannah, come and pick this up," Alois yelled.

Hannah came rushing out of the kitchen and bent down to pick up the fork Alois was pointing to. I was already finished eating, so I went and dropped my fork on the ground as well.

Hannah stood up and walked along the long table and bent down near my feet.

I heard another thud across the room. I looked up to see Alois's spoon now on the floor. Smiling over at him, I dropped my spoon when Hannah was about halfway to the other side of the table. We both burst out laughing at her.

"Look at her, she's running around like a rat," Alois said pointing at her.

We both held our stomachs as we laughed at our own joke. My nerves finally settled as we smiled at each other. There really was nothing to worry about. I was safe.

Alois and I stood up to make our way to the parlor, with Claude right behind us. It was a much harsher cold today than it was before, so we had to stay inside for the time being. During this time, we tried to have Claude join us in some board games, which he always refused. He said that the games are only enjoyable for two players. What rubbish.

He then went to prepare our afternoon tea for three.

After we had finished up our fifth game of checkers, (which I let Alois win, again,) Claude came in to announce the arrival of Ciel Phantomhive. I have been dreading this hour for the whole time we have been in here.

My heart sank into my stomach as I watched him walk in. He was wearing a top hat that gave him the appearance of being taller, along with his heeled shoes. He walked in as if he owned this house. How disgusting.

Behind him stood his butler. The same one that was at the party the other night. He still looked almost the same as Claude, but he had a warmer demeanor than Claude. He looked like he could actually smile.

"The Earl Phantomhive has arrived," Claude said, holding the door open for him, "I have your afternoon tea right over there if you would please have a seat." He gestured over to the table he had set over by the window.

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