A Visit

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After Hannah had helped me undress and get ready for bed, I was still quite restless. I can hear the party going on downstairs with the music and laughter.

Hannah had gone to go fetch my dinner as I was excused from the party before it was served. I guess it's better this way, my head was still hurting a little. But I was very much not tired. The excitement from that one dance with Alois was still there. Trust me, it had nothing to do with him. I just haven't had fun in a while, that's all.

Then I remembered why we stopped dancing in the first place. The fall and the conversation. I called him handsome, right to his face. How could I have done that? Was it a small lapse in my judgment? Did I have a rush of courage at that moment? Maybe I had said it in my head.

No. If that were true, he wouldn't have reacted that way. How did he react? He didn't seem upset. Or maybe he was. He seemed more surprised than anything. But it's not like he hasn't heard it before, right?

Calm down. It was just a small comment. No big deal.

At that moment I grabbed one of the pillows from the bed and put it over my face. I slowed down my breathing to help me regain my composure. I have much bigger things to worry about than an exchange I had with Alois. And that's the one I had with Ciel. The conversation I had with him was nothing short of strange. Get it, short. Like his height.

I started laughing into the pillow, there was a knock on the door. I sat up quickly and put the pillow back.

"Come in," I said to the door.

Hannah then came in with my dinner. She walked over to the side of my bed and started setting up a try over my legs.

"How are you feeling, Lady y/n?" she asked me.

"Could be better. I wish I could have enjoyed the party a little more." I answered.

She was now setting the silver next to my plate. I prayed to God that her large breast didn't knock over the water she had already set out. When she was finished, she bowed then left the room.

Overwhelmed with hunger, I ate my dinner very quickly. I ate little lunch because of my nervous stomach. It was nice to eat alone without being watched, and without the awkward silence.


Plenty of time has passed by and I could finally hear the party die down. I was sitting in a windowsill seat looking at the people outside. The room faced toward the front of the manor, so I have a good view of those leaving. None of the faces were those I had recognized from my youth. The only face I did recognize was Ciel's as he left with his butler. I stuck my tongue out at him as he left. I can already tell he's going to cause me more trouble in the future. What a loon that one is.

I waited until every guest had left. For each one, I would give them a name and a backstory, just for my own amusement.

I looked up at the sky and at the landscape. It was quite beautiful here, even if I have to stay on the grounds. I daydreamed for what seemed like forever about what my life would be like from now on. It was only the first day, after all, there is a lot to come still.

I heard the click of the door handle and looked over. Someone was coming into my room. It was dark in my room, so whoever it was looked like a shadow. The figure closed the door gently and crept closer to me.

"Who is that?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"It's Alois," He answered.

I tensed up. What would he want with me at this hour? I hope he wasn't trying to take advantage of me. If he tried, I would scream for Claude or Hannah. It had to be late by now, and guests stopped leaving ages ago. I looked at the clock near my bed, the small candle that was still burning shown on to it. It was two in the morning.

"Don't worry," he said, "I'm not going to hurt you."

I was still very worried.

He came closer and I realized he was in his sleeping clothes.

"You have to be quite y/n, I don't want Claude knowing I'm here. He's such a prude."

I giggled a little bit. "What are you doing in here?" I asked.

He sat across from me in the window. I could see his face now in the moonlight. I thought about how angelic he looked at that moment.

"I know why you're really here, Claude told me. He thinks that I was lonely and needed a friend. So don't you go thinking that this has anything to do with you."

"Claude is a very nice man," I said.

"He would never lie to me."

"I think people who lie are the worst type of people."

"So do I."

I looked out the window and down at the ground.

"What did you mean earlier?" Alois asked.

"What?" I asked in return.

"When you said you didn't think I was wicked. That's the only thing that everyone calls me."

"Well... I guess I meant that I think that you're more misunderstood than anything."

We were both silent as we looked out the window. I was sitting with my legs crisscrossed. Alois was sitting with one leg up, resting his arm on his knee.

"I take back what I said then, about you being like me in that way," He said, "I guess I was excited to have someone to laugh with. Claude is different when it comes to that. He never laughs."

"That's depressing."

Alois started laughing. "You're blunt, aren't you?"

"I just say what's on my mind, that's all."

"I like that you make me laugh."

He looked up at me then, and I looked at him. He was smiling differently than I have seen. Looking into his eyes, it's almost like looking at a lost child. I can see now why I was brought here. He was lonely. But then again, so was I. Not that he would ever tell me, but I feel he likes having me to talk to from now on. I smiled back at him.

"So you think I'm handsome?" He asked.

My eyes went wide with surprise.

"Shut it." I said.

I could feel the heat rising back into my face as Alois started laughing again. He's also got his devilish smile back.

"Don't be embarrassed now. Nothing can be more embarrassing than that stumble we had. Besides, I hear it all the time."

I knew it.

We started laughing into our hands then, in order to keep quiet. We kept talking for a while until I got tired. We talked about funny stories and about things we do for fun. I told him about how I liked to read. He told me he didn't know how to read that well, but he was learning thanks to his tutors.

"Alois, I have a question," I said to him after laughing at another story of his.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Why haven't you've ever danced before now?"

He shook a small bit. I guess he wasn't expecting that question from me.

"I don't like to talk about before I was the head of this house," he answered.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry at a wound."

"It's fine," he did not seem fine, "I better go and sleep now. Goodnight."

He left in a huff, leaving me at the window speechless. I really didn't mean to trigger something, I was just curious. That's all. I can't help but wonder what his life was like before he was appointed the head of the Trancy household. But, I do remember why I thought that name was so familiar.

My parents had once told me about a gross old man with the name Trancy who had quite a large amount of rumors about him. They would never explain them to me, but they always told me not to be near him if we were to have ever met him at a social event. I wonder how Alois was able to come from a family with such a reputation. Maybe that's why he is a little twisted. But I was also told that the old man was never married, so where would Alois have come from then? 

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