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The week flew by much faster than I had hoped. It all felt the same. I would spend my days with Alois feeling happy and content with my life. At night, after Alois would leave my bedroom, I would lie in my bed and worry about Ciel's next visit. I knew that this very well could be the last day I spend at the Trancy manor. I couldn't help myself but think about it, feeling the minutes just slip away. I have also had time to think about everything that Claude had said to me that day, about my "purpose" in this house. That was exactly why I felt as though my life were ending soon. For whatever reason, I can tell that Claude has ill intentions for today's tea.

I felt my insides turn as I was standing in front of the mirror with Hannah behind me, tightening my dress. My insides were hurting not just from the dress, but from the clock, I could hear ticking softly near my bed. Tic, tic, it goes each second as a reminder of my feelings of impending doom.

Any second now, I thought, Ciel and Elizebeth will be arriving.

I heard a knock on the door precisely three seconds after I thought that. I counted.

Claude stepped.

"Lady y/n," he said, "if you would please make your way down to the parlor, our guests have arrived."

"Thank you, I'll be down momentarily," I replied.

Slowly, I turned away from the mirror, took a few deep breaths, and left my bedroom. Alois met me along the way to the parlor so that we could greet our guests together.

We stood next to each other, just barely touching arms as we had the doors opened to see Ciel and Elizabeth already seated. Elizabeth stood out like a sore thumb next to Ciel in her pink and frilly dress. Ciel always wore such dark clothing, but I hadn't noticed until now. Right behind Ciel was Sebastian, looking as smug as ever. He looked at me, teasing at the idea of him looking at me in the eyes as he did last time he was here. Disgusting. His eyes then lingered to Elizabeth, who was staring at me, puzzled. I looked over back at Sebastian to see him now wearing an obvious smirk. It was so obvious, in fact, that I knew that he wanted me to see it.

Looking back at Elizabeth and Ciel, I wondered what had stuck such behavior from Sebastian.

"Lady y/n," said Ciel, standing, "I'd like to introduce you to my bestowed, Elizabeth Midford. Lizzy, this is y/n Hollister."

"A pleasure," I said, facing Elizabeth.

The girl stood there, staring at me, without a word.

"I'm sorry," I say quickly, "have I offended you?"

"Oh my heavens," she said suddenly and loudly, "Oh, no, Dear. Please, forgive my manners. My mind must have wondered."

"It's no problem at all," I replied.

I eyed Alois as if to say that I was not enjoying myself. It's only been about a minute since we have arrived in this room and already strange things have been happening. I silently prayed that this visit would go well as Claude prepared our tea.

"So Ciel," started Alois, "if you have more questions for me, I assure you that I would not be able to answer them."

"It's no bother," Ciel replied, "besides, I thought we were invited for the girls to get to know each other."

"That's right," squeaked Elizabeth, "I would love to get to know you better, y/n."

"You and I both," said Ciel casually, "Y/n is quite the mystery after all. I feel I hardly know you."

Ciel then turned to me directly and looked deeply into my eyes, coldly.

"Y/n," he continued "what was it you said your parents do for a living, again?"

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