part 3

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The next morning Louis wakes up on time.

He dresses in loose fitting, light blue denim jeans and a large green hoodie. He somehow felt like wearing green today.

After using the bathroom and brushing his teeth he walks down the stairs into the living room connected to the kitchen. He's always loved that about his dorm, the open kitchen and living room era gave him a homey feeling. Back at home they always had big family diners on the big kitchen table and after that they went into the connected living room and watched Christmas movies.

Jade was sitting at the kitchen table, eating cereal and scrolling through her phone. She looked oddly happy and awake at mornings. She was never a morning person just like Louis. That's why they've always got along pretty well. Always staying up the last and waking up latest and sharing breakfast.

"Morning" Jade said cheerfully. Weird, since when is she happy in the morning. If you'd ask Louis which words would never be able to match it would be happy and morning.

He only mumbled out a "Morning." before making his way into the kitchen. Jade should know by now that he isn't rude just tired so she seems pretty unfazed by his behavior.

Since he woke up on time, Louis actually had time to make some breakfast. He made some scrambled eggs on toast and sat next to Jade. She was still scrolling through her phone and smiling from time to time.

"So care to tell me who's got you all smiley this morning?" Louis teased while taking a bite of his toast. He usually doesn't eat before classes because he never wakes up on time.

She blushed and looked into her cereal. "I met someone when we were out partying some days ago." She answered eventually. The blush still prominent on her cheeks.

"I figured." Louis answered. "But who are they?" He was pretty sure Jade is straight but never make assumptions. It could force the other person into outing theirselves without intending to so just give them every chance.

"Someone from the football team." She blushed even more now.

"Oh oh isn't there like a bro code between you and Ash since he's in the football team and everything?" He answered. Jade and Ash used to hook up regularly. Ashton eventually found a girlfriend and they stopped. It should be weird considering they still live together and everything but it really never was. They had like better connection through it.

"Good Morning lovely people." Ashton called through the kitchen. Jade's eyes went big and she quickly finished her cereal and stood up abruptly. Looking caught she scurried upstairs.

"I should probably get ready now, my first class is English literature and I really don't want to be late!" Jade screamed from the top stair.

"Jade, we can drive together meet you downstairs in five." Louis called out while running up the stairs into his room.

He grabbed his school bag with his phone and a big leather jacket to wear. He considered wearing a beanie but decided against it. Louis put on his converse and grabbed his keys.

After meeting Jade downstairs they made their way to Uni.

"Something new you want to tell me about your love life?" Jade asked while driving to school.
"Any boy that caught your attention?" She teased and send him a smug look.

Louis came out to most of his friends at 16 and they all have been really accepting, his family loved him the same after and he's so thankful for that. Of course it's not easy to accept yourself in the beginning but he got so much support from all his loved ones that he doesn't care about someone not accepting him. They're not important anyways.

"No, not really. I just saw someone really good looking yesterday but that's it." Louis answered vaguely. He doesn't want her to know too much about the green eyed beauty with the long lean legs and his perfect way to dress.

"Mhhh, that sucks." Jade answered just as they stopped in front of the big building. Jade spotted Liam and send Louis an apolitical look before running off to him.

"I see you later!" Louis called out while making his way into the building after her.

He walked through long hallways till he reached his classroom. After this class he'll finally have drama.

The hour flew by since Louis just doodled into his planner and when the bell rang he made his way to the drama classroom. While he scurried through the hallway he went through all the lines he learned yesterday.

Finally reaching the classroom he saw only some students sitting there going through their scripts quietly. After some minutes Mrs. Scout entered the classroom.

Mrs. Scout wore a long denim skirt today still with her significant cardigan and a black t-shirt. "Good Morning my favorite class! Today the lovely dancers from Mrs. Flack will join us. Since some of them are new to this school and sometimes two years younger than some of you please be patient and friendly to them! We'll start with practicing the song again!"

She said while sitting down on the piano and we all started singing the song from yesterday. It took us about half an hour before she seemed pleased. Learning new songs in a big group was so hard and took some time.

"Ok that's it, thank you! We have an hour left that we'll spend in the hall from Mrs. Flack since there is more space. Meet you there in five." Mrs. Scout said and everyone made their way to the hall.

Deep in thoughts about the Musical Louis entered the hall till something well rather someone in a white tutu forced him out of his thoughts by bumping into him.

"Oops." He heard someone giggle. The voice was rather deep but still so soft. They spook quietly and sounded like honey.


Louis reached out blindly trying to catch the person that bumped into him making him bump into the wall. After Louis caught them by their waist and the person stood still he could finally look who bumped into him. And oh -

It was the curly haired boy who had his curls tucked behind a black tight fitting hairband, probably for sports, Louis thought and his green eyes looked so bright due to the eyeliner he wore. Louis could make out a light blush on his cheeks wether it was from make up or due to embarrassment. The boy was just slightly taller than Louis but still he made Louis feel taller.

He smelled like strawberries and coconut and his curls looked so soft his skin felt so delicate where Louis had touched him and he just wanted to touch him forever.

"Hi." He finally managed to answer after staring at him for too long.

"Harry, we need to practice that solo again, where are you?" Called out a strong voice that Louis knew as Mrs. Flack.

"Sorry, sorry I'm here, I'm here." The curly haired boy, Harry, rambled while scurrying onto the stage. He only sent Louis an apolitical smile which Louis returned and then he started practicing again. Louis just stood there in haze still thinking about what the fuck just happened.

Everyone from his class arrived shortly after and Mrs. Scout said we should watch them for a little while before we start with singing together. They sat down in the last row and just observed quietly. Everything looked so harmonically.

From watching them dance, well rather watching Harry dance Louis could make out the roles they play in the musical.

And Harry was the new angel which meant -

If Louis gets the devil

He needs to learn his text perfectly now so he'll get this role.

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