part 16

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The next weeks were a blur between Musical practice, theater practice, lectures, watching Harry dance and sleepless nights spending on writing the essays he needed for the next morning.

The day before the big performance Harry and Louis were cuddled in Harry's apartment watching the snow fall down on the streets in London.

"Louis, can you paint my nails?" Harry asked him tiredly and wiggled his nails in Louis face.

Louis nodded. "Because you asked so kindly." He chuckled and walked into the bathroom taking out a light pink and walking back into the bedroom. He sat crosslegged in front of his boyfriend and Harry placed his hands on Louis' thighs. Louis began softly with the one hand. After that he did the next one. Harry looked at him impressed. "I didn't think you'd do it this nicely." Harry states. Louis just chuckles. "I have 6 siblings, my love." Louis says.

Harry looked at him softly. "Tell me about them." He says.

Louis thought for a while. "Well I'm the oldest and then there's Charlotte, Lottie, she's exactly like me probably really annoying for anyone else. Then we have Felicite, Fiz or Fizzy, she's so sassy honestly hard to hold up with her sometimes. Then the elder twins Daisy and Phoebe, they're more shy but you'd love them. And then the youngest ones are Doris and Ernest my only brother and favorite curly haired after you." Louis laughed fondly thinking about his siblings.

Harry looked at him in adoration "I'd love to meet them he says." To which Louis chuckled. "well let my tell you, darling you will in fact meet them tomorrow they're all coming with me mum and Dan, her husband and I don't think they'll just let you go after everything I told them about you." He laughed at Harry's startled expression.

"Louis! You can't just tell me randomly that I'll be meeting your whole family tomorrow what if they hate me or should I make off the nail polish?" Harry rambled worriedly.

"Harry, love my family is the most accepting family please don't worry they'll love you and don't you dare act any different in front of anyone because you think they won't like you that way." Louis scolded him softly. Harry visibly calmed at that.

They just went to bed early that day and woke up really early from their alarm clock to get ready for the big day. Both Louis and Harry walked with sweats and a hoodie to uni. They'll be getting their costumes there.

Mrs. Scout was already running around stressed when they arrived. "Oh hello you both. Please get in mask and get ready before we'll be practicing your meeting which we haven't practiced yet." She said before scurrying away again.

The two boys walked towards an empty classroom and then saw Danielle walking inside after them. "Hi, I'll be doing your make up so please sit down at those chairs." She said kindly and they sat down and let her do her work. After about half an hour she was finished with Harry's make up and he looked gorgeous. Louis smiled at him and waited another 20 minutes till his was done as well.

She said her farewell and left their costumes there before walking away. Harry and Louis both dressed in their costumes before going to search Mrs. Scout. "Oh you look lovely now fast fast on the stage we need to practice the change between Perrie and Harry." She said.

Harry had his solo dance and by the end Louis bumped into him as practiced and caught him by his waist with one hand. Harry leaned back and that was the last pose between them then the lights were dimming and Perrie needed to change positions with Harry for the next scene. They practiced that for a bit till Mrs. Scout clapped happily. "Perfect."

They all went backstage and Mrs. Scout clapped her hands so everyone was listening. "Can I have everyone's attention please. Thank you! Ok today is the day, the day we worked three months for. When you're standing on that stage later I want you to have fun, give your best and then you're fine, you all can do that, I've seen it. Please believe in you. And when you're done today I don't want to hear any complaints about another performance we're one team and we don't gossip about other successes. Understood?" She asked them.

A murmur of 'yes' we're going through the crowd.

Everyone went behind the stage and then the lights dimmed. The choir was standing in the back and started singing just as the dancers were starting to dance.

Everything went smoothly and the choir went away and just Louis stood there the same goes for Harry and his dancers. Harry started his solo as Louis was standing hidden in the back.

It was Louis turn so he bumped Harry, caught him and Harry leaned back just as the light dimmed. Harry speed away as Louis gripped Perrie's waist.

The show went on and it was now the fight between him and Calum. Calum took his sword and Louis fell to the ground he saw Gigi starting to dance her next solo for the Helena she just told Harry how she kissed the demon and then she poisoned Harry who fell on the ground as well.

They both met at the back and Louis kissed Harry and watched the dancer dance the last dance before the curtain closed.

Everyone went out on the stage again and bowed and just herd the crowd applaud for them. Louis caught Harry's eye and send him a wink before bowing again.

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