part 13

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They were still driving in the big wheel 5 minutes later.

When the ride ended Louis helped Harry out of their seats and they walked through the big carnival hand in hand again. "Do you still want to do anything, love?" Louis asked Harry after a while.

"Look there's an ice rink, let's go skating." Harry told him enthusiastically, so they walked towards there and brought two pair of skates. Harry giggled because his were two numbers bigger than Louis'

"Shut up, Styles." Louis mumbled but he was chuckling as well.

They both stumbled on the ice rink and then began skating. Louis' stepdad had taught him to skate and he's pretty good in it. After a while Louis takes both of Harry's hands and starts skating backwards as Harry's skating forward grinning at him like a mad man.

They're skating for a bit till both of them get tired and they walk out of the rink. "How about some hot chocolate, it's pretty cold outside." Louis asks Harry.

Harry agrees happily and soon they're both sipping hot chocolate on a bench with Harry's head on Louis' shoulder.

"When was your last relationship?" Harry asks him randomly.

"That has to be somewhen in 6th grade. With a girl called Eleanor, honestly she was ducking crazy, probably the reason I realized I'm gay." Louis told Harry while chuckling.

Harry hummed and then mumbled. "I've never been in a relationship."

Louis looked at him skeptically. "You? Harold everyone gets swept of their feet just from seeing you." Louis told him.

Harry blushed at that and looked at him through his eyelashes.

"Well I just didn't like them back." He said chuckling.

"Oi, Harold the heartbreaker." He jokes.

It was getting dark outside so they walked towards their bikes quietly and started driving. Harry began singing a song loudly and Louis just loved at him. God he loved this boy so much.


Louis loved him.

He began singing with him and to anyone they probably looked like they've gone mad. But Louis felt so free, driving in the dark and singing a song from the Beatles.

They soon arrived at a park and Harry quickly jumped off his bike Louis soon after. "Lou, race me." Harry screamed before quickly running off Louis after him. Harry began laughing and running faster. "I'll catch you, Harold." Louis called out still running after him.

After a while he caught Harry by his waist and wanted to catch him what just ended in Harry stumbling against Louis his face only inches away from his.

Louis eyes shifted from Harry's to his lips and back up.

He felt Harry's breath on his lips hot and quick.

Louis leaned in and finally captured Harry's lips in his. His arms pulled Harry in closer by his waist and Harry swung his around Louis neck. The kiss was slow and without tongue involved like everything he's ever wanted in a first kiss.

Breathlessly Louis pulled away slowly and opened his eyes to see Harry smiling at him.

He traced his fingers over Harry's face. His dimples, his lips, his cheekbones, his eyelashes, his eyebrows. "You're so pretty, Harry Styles." Louis whispered, scared to kill the moment.

Harry only blushed and tucked his face in Louis neck.

They pulled away after a while and started driving towards Harry's apartment. "I'll pick you up at 3pm tomorrow, Lou." Harry told him standing in front of the big apartment complex.

Louis nodded. "Sleep well, baby." He said before driving into his apartment.

When he entered the dorm he saw Jade and Liam sitting there and he smiled so brightly at them.

"Louis man you look like you've just gotten laid. What's got you all that smiley." Liam teased him. "Shit up babe, he's happy let him." Jade scolded him. She turned to louis and smiled at him. "What happened Lou?" She asked.

Louis smiled at them. "We kissed." He said breathlessly.

Jade squeaked. "Details, Lou we need details."

So Louis told them about the date and how the went skating then driving and what happened in the park. He left out the part where he realized he loved him.

Jade looked at him knowingly. "You love him don't you?" She asked softly.

Liam looked at her and kissed her temple before looking at Louis again. Louis nodded and smiled a bit thinking about Harry.

"I'm happy for you, mate." Liam told him.

"Thank you. I'll go to bed now. See you and please be quiet." He told them before walking into his room. As he walked into his room he heard his phone vibrate in his pocket. He looked at who was calling him and saw Harry's name on his phone. "Hi love." He spoke happily. He heard quick breaths and sobbing on the other side. "Oh baby, what's up?" He tried again.

"Lou, can you come over please?" Harry asked him brokenly.

"I'll be there in 5, wait for me Haz." He said while running down the stairs and quickly driving to Harry's dorm.

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