part 15

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Louis woke up to the sun streaming through his window.

He rubbed his eyes and tried to sit up only to get pulled back down by a weight on his chest. He looked around confusedly.

This wasn't his room.

He looked down at his chest to see chocolate brown curls. Realizing where he was Louis leaned into the mattress again. He began playing with Harry's curls absently.

Harry stirred against Louis' chest and rubbed his eyes. Laying his head back down he mumbled out a "Morning." Before sitting up.

Whining Louis reached out for Harry to lay back down which made the younger one chuckle. "Lou, I really need to pee and to shower we need to leave here in an hour." Harry chuckled.

Humming Louis let him go and Harry scurried down towards the bathroom.

Silently Louis walked down the stairs and began making coffee for Harry, tea for him and some toast for both of them.

He felt Harry approaching the kitchen, his hair still damp from the shower with his brown flare pants and Louis' sweater he wore yesterday. He smiled sheepishly at him. "I'm wearing your sweater." Harry states.

"I see." Louis only says.

Harry smiles before hopping on the kitchen counter stretching his legs out to pull Louis between them. "Hi." Harry breathes out before linking his arms around Louis neck.

"What are you doing, Haz?" Louis asked him, a mischievous grin on his face.

Harry blushed a bit before leaning in and capturing Louis lips in his. Louis kissed back immediately and rested his hands on Harry's hips, rubbing the skin there.

The first so innocent kiss quickly got heated and Louis licked over Harry's bottom lip asking for entrance. Harry parted his lips and let Louis dip his tongue into his mouth.

Louis moaned and quickly needed to detach their lips so they wouldn't go too far.

Panting heavily they both looked at each other.

"I love you Lou." Harry said before clapping a hand over his mouth.

Louis stood there open mouthed and looking at Harry in disbelief.

Tears were pooling in Harry's eyes and he made a movement to hop off the counter as Louis finally reacted. He gripped Harry's hips tighter before smashing his lips back on Harry's.

Harry seemed surprised by that but kissed back eagerly.

As they parted Louis looked at him with so much fond. "I love you too." They shared that quiet moment just grinning at one another. Louis rubbed his hands over Harry's thighs in smoothing circles.

"My sweater looks good on you." Louis winks before getting the coffee he made for Harry and handing it to him who took it gratefully. "I'm gonna shower as well, if that's ok with you?" Louis said while emptying his tea mug. Harry nodded and let Louis wander off towards the bathroom.

Louis took a quick shower before walking into Harry's bedroom again. He picked out some loose fitting jeans from Harry and a big woolen sweater since Harry's wearing his sweater now. He walks down to Harry again and sees him dancing through the kitchen. His heart swells a bit at that.

Harry looks at him and a big smile breaks out on his face. "My gran made that sweater." He told Louis softly. Louis smiled at him. "Well then I'm just gonna tell your gran how comfy this sweater is today." Louis winked at Harry.

"Thank you for doing this." Harry said shyly. Louis just looked puzzled at him. "Doing what?" He asked. "Meeting my grandma it's like meeting my mum you know but complicated." Harry said. Louis just smiled at him sweetly and laughed "Don't pressure my nerves now Harold."

Harry laughs at that and then motions for Louis to sit at the table with him. "I made breakfast." He states shyly. "Thank you." Louis said and kisses his head before taking a place at the table.

They ate in comfortable silence just enjoying each other's presence.

After breakfast Louis did the dishes and let Harry run off do repaint his nails and put on some make up. He hummed while he rinsed the plates before Harry came running down the stairs. "I'm ready let's go!" He said excitedly and skipped towards the door. Louis just laughed at that and followed where Harry was standing completely still at the door.

"What's up Harry?" Louis asked him and placed his hands on his love handles. He rubbed his hand in comforting circles. "Lou, what are we?" Harry asked confusedly. "I mean what should I tell me grandma, she will ask." Harry said and looked at Louis expectantly.

"Well Harold since you're asking so nice, yes I'll be your boyfriend." Louis teased and saw the huge grin break off in Harry's face. Harry dipped his head down and kissed Louis' lips. "Boyfriend." He murmured against his lips.

They skipped down the stairs happily and took their bikes to drive towards Harry's gran. After driving for a while Harry stopped in front of a big yellow house with a lovely fore garden with yellow roses. A little lake was there as well and Louis thought that there were fishes in it.

Harry smiled at Louis' reaction and hopped on his bike. They walked towards the door and Harry took Louis hand in his before ringing the bell.

An older lady looking really kind opened the door. She had the same big smile Harry had and looked at him with so much adoration. "Harry!" She said excitedly and engulfed him in a big hug. Louis just looked at them really fondly.

She then turned towards Louis and smiled at him before engulfing in a hug as well. "Harry, he really looks as good as you described him." She winked to which Louis chuckled. "You don't look bad yourself, Mrs. Styles." He winked. "Ohhh he's a charmer, keep him Harry." She chuckled.

"But call me gram or Rosie dear. You're family now." She said kindly. "Hey, gran would you stop flirting with my boyfriend please." Harry mumbled jealous. Louis just laughed and wrapped his arm around Harry's waist.

She rose her eyebrows and looked at Harry. "The boyfriend part is new." She said. Harry grinned and looked at Louis. "Yes, that's new." He said softly.

"Young people in love." She muttered before motioning for them to come in. "I love your sweater by the way." She winked at Louis who grinned proudly. "Me too. It's so comfy." He stated smiling.

Louis grinned at Harry and they walked inside the house. A big apple cake was standing at the kitchen table and it smelled delicious. "Wow gran this looks really good." Harry praised her lovingly. "Oh shush Harold I'm blushing." She teased.

They sat down and began eating their cake. "How is Gemma?" Rosie asked after a while. Harry smiled at her. "She's good I just called her yesterday and we talked a bit. Her and her boyfriend are still together I'm smelling a proposal soon." He said softly.

Rosie just smiled sadly at him. "You miss her the most of us but Harry she didn't forgot about you she just can't live here in England anymore, she was older back then and has too many memories." She said gently.

Harry looked at her brokenly. "I know that gran it's just I miss her everyday and I just want to tell her how thankful I am for doing that all she's always acting strong but she's not all that strong and comfier to gran. I remember her crying, she was crying so much back then and I didn't understand I mean she always did everything to hold me out of it all she took all the hits gran everything and I just wish she would open up." Harry admitted.

His gran looked at him softly. "Harry she did that for you. She wanted to be strong for you. To give you something to hold on. She loves you incredibly much and you were the thing that held her here for so long. Gemma is a free person she would have left earlier if it wasn't for you." She said gently.

Harry nodded sadly and looked at her again. "I love her so much." He whispered.

Louis just listened to the conversation quietly not knowing if it was his place to say anything so he just placed his hand on Harry's leg and rubbed there a bit.

"Hey gran will you come to mine and Louis' musical? We're playing the lead roles and on the 20th December, in two weeks, the premiere will be." Harry asked her sweetly.

She smiled at him. "I'll be there." She promised and smiled.

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