part 8

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The next morning Louis just went to school to look at the results from drama class. He'll have creative writing and then he needs to go home and study. a lot.

Not even bothering to wear something decent he drove in sweats and a hoodie to uni. Inside the big building he walked through the hallways. At the black board he saw Harry already standing there beaming at the musical results. He was wearing some loose fitting low waist wide leg jeans and a black crop top. His nails were painted a fresh black and his significant eyeliner on his face.

"Good Morning Haz." He said. Harry seemed surprised by another voice and jumped a bit. "Sorry, love. Didn't mean to scare you. So what's got you this happy at a school morning?" Louis said while chuckling a bit. Harry blushed and motioned for him to look at the results.

And he's got the lead role. Which means that him and Harry will perform together.

Louis smiled at Harry who he found already looking at him.

"Do you have any lecture first period?" Louis asked him to which Harry shook his head. "I wanted to eat some breakfast in the cafeteria, you'd want to join me?" Louis asked him softly. Harry smiled and mumbled out a "sure."

The two made their way to the cafeteria. It was nearly empty since it's first period and not many students come here when they have a free period.

"So, what are you studying?" Louis asked the younger one when they sat down with some pancakes to eat. Harry smeared some sirup onto his pancakes before he looked up at Louis. "I study law. But I actually want to become a ballet dancer when I'm older. Law is like my plan b when that won't work out." Harry told him while cutting his pancake and placing it in his mouth.

He eats with his tongue out.

While Harry was chewing he looked at Louis cautiously. "I'm sure you won't need your plan b." Louis told him while eating some of his pancakes. Harry blushed and swallowed. "What are you studying." Completely ignoring what Louis said before.

"I study drama. I want to become a director when I'm older. And if that won't work out I'll just become a drama teacher." He answered Harry's questions. Harry smiled and hummed.

After that they ate in comfortable silence.

Louis finished his pancakes first and just quietly watched Harry eat. "What?" Harry asked him after a bit, seeing Louis staring at him. "Oh nothing." Louis said quickly. "You've got - You've got some sirup -" he leaned forward and gently removed the sirup from the corner of Harry's mouth with his finger. Harry blushed and murmured a thanks.

"I need to go to my creative writing class now." Louis told him. Harry looked sad for a bit so Louis added "But on Wednesday we'll have drama again so I'll see you on Wednesday, Harry." Harry smiled at that and nodded. "Yeah. See you on Wednesday, Boo."

Louis was already wandering off when he turned around again. Boo? Harry blushed furiously. "Lou. I said Lou not Boo. I mean why -" Louis shushed Harry's rambles and smiled reassuringly at the younger one. "Call me however you want, darling." Louis said softly and turned on his heals to walk away again.

He spend his whole creative writing class thinking about the green eyes boy calling him Boo.

After school Louis sat at the kitchen table with Jade and Leigh-Anne. They were studying for their upcoming exams. Jade needs to learn for English literature and she was moaning about how it's her least favorite class and how she'll fail miserably. They all knew that's nowhere near the truth. Jades an excellent student. Leigh-Anne studied for her biology exam and Louis had never seen someone learn this much like her. Biology is hard. He himself needed to study for statistics. He despised it but still he needs his diploma.

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