part 11

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On Halloween Louis woke up really exited. It's a Sunday so he's got much time. He walks down the stairs and sees Ashton already sitting there drinking coffee.

"Morning." Louis greets him happily.

"Woah, hold on, you're happy. On a morning?" Ashton asked shocked. "How come?"

"Well looks like I kinda have a date to the Halloween party today?" He asked sounding unsure, he asked Harry to go with him but he's not sure if it's really a date.

"Kinda?" Ashton chuckled. "Anyways who's the lucky one."

"Harry." Louis answers simply.

"Harry, as in Harry Styles? Damn. Got yourself a catcher there, Tommo." Ashton whistled.

Louis smacked his head and groaned. "Hands off Ash. He's mine."

"Ohhh possessive. Calm down Tommo I'm someone's plus one today as well." He winked.

"Who's your special one?" Louis asked him softly.

Ashton came out as bi to him when Louis came out to him. He's had both girlfriends and boyfriends and Louis has always been supportive of that.

Ashton blushed "Luke?" He said.

Louis only laughed. "Ash I won't judge you date whoever you want."

Louis and Ashton began eating scrambled eggs together before they both got ready.

Louis dressed in his Dracula costume and went downstairs. He saw Jade quietly humming to himself and he smirked. He approached her quietly and took her by her waist and lifter her in the air. She shrieked and shoved him away as soon as he let her down again. "Ow you dickhead you scared me." She then noticed his costume and began whistling "woho Tomlinson trying to impress someone?" She teased.

Louis kinda blushed at that. "You've got yourself a date, Lou?!" She shrieked again. He nodded. "Please tell me it's that dancer and you finally grew a pair." She looked at him sternly. Louis only nodded again and tried to hide his smile by biting his lip.

"Omg Lou, wow." She hugged him tightly. "You look so great he's gonna faint seeing you."

Louis thanked her and started walking towards the door. "I'm gonna pick up Harry see you later." He said.

"Treat him well Tommo." She called after him.

"Don't worry about that." He told him and with that he was out of the door.

Louis drove to Harry quickly and then rang his doorbell. He heard Harry scream a "coming" before the door opened and there stood Harry in all his glory.

His make up was more than his usual. He wore dark lipstick, big eyeliner, and a deep blush on his cheeks. He wore a black holey dress with a white puffy undershirt and black shoes. His hair was pulled up in a bun. He looked gorgeous.

"Hi." Louis greeted breathlessly.

Harry smiled at him and waved shyly. "You look great." He said softly.

Louis chuckled, "You don't look bad yourself, love."

They walked to school because Harry couldn't drive his bike with this dress on. Louis hand sometimes brushed Harry's and after a while he thought fuck it and just took his hand in his.

He looked at Harry and waited for his reaction and saw him smiling to himself.

The two walked in silence till they reached the crowded campus. People were walking inside some alone and some in groups. Louis recognized some of them from all the drama classes he had. He saw Gigi and Zayn making out against a wall and he whistled while walking down the way. Zayn only flipped him off without detaching his lips from Gigi's.

Harry giggled next to him and Louis' heart swelled a bit. They made their way inside the big hall and saw Mrs. Scout approaching them. Her gaze swiped down towards their linked hands and her smile widened. "Hello to my favorite dancer and his plus one" She greeted them enthusiastically.

Louis laughed loudly. "As charming as ever. Well let me tell you I'm the best looking plus one here." He said while winking at her.

Mrs. Scout shoved his shoulder and told them to enjoy theirselves before greeting her other students.

"She reminds me of my gran." Harry told Louis while they walked towards where the drinks were served. "My gran always baked cake with me and we ate that together while listening to her vinyls. Her cat, Tiger, would always steal a bit of cake and gran stopped scolding him after some time. He died some years back." Harry told Louis fondly.

"She sounds lovely Harry." Louis answered while taking himself a beer. You see that's good at uni. They're all adults so there can be alcohol at those parties. "What do you want to drink, baby?" Louis asked him.

Harry blushed at the nickname and told him he'd want some fruity wine. Louis gave him a glass and they walked towards a standing-table.

"I haven't seem my gran in a really long time. You'd love her! Maybe we can go and meet her and eat some cake with her!" Harry told him before blushing. "Only if you'd want to of course. I mean I could understand if you wouldn't like I don't know if I -"

Louis shushed the boys rambles and only smiled at him. "Of course I'd love to meet your gran."

Harry beamed at that. They quietly chatted after that.

Three hours later and Harry was really tipsy. "Let's dance Louuuu." He dragged him onto the dance floor while stumbling slightly.

"Hey hey hey. Calm down Curly." Louis said softly while placing his hands on Harry's waist to steady him. Harry turned around in his hold and swung his arms around Louis' neck. He placed his head on Louis shoulder and they began swaying to the music.

"You smell good." Harry mumbled into Louis shoulder.

He chuckled and kissed Harry's head. "Thank you." They continued to sway to the song till it came to an end. The next song was a bit on beat and everyone started dancing wildly, laughing and just having a good time.

"I'm gonna get something to drink, do you need anything?" Louis asked Harry after dancing a bit. Harry only hummed and Louis took that as he wanted another drink. He went towards where the drinks were and grabbed himself a lemonade since he wants to bring Harry home safe and another drink for Harry.

He pushed through the crowd till he spotted Harry talking to someone. That someone was looking at Harry hungrily and Harry seemed rather uncomfortable. Louis walked up to them and put his arms around Harry's waist just as the person was saying "- home with me" to which Louis wanted to gag. Harry wasn't a piece of meat to sexualize.

"What do you think you're doing." Louis growled at the man.

Harry relaxed into his touch and leaned his head on Louis' shoulder. "I think it's better for you to leave now, or should I make you leave?" He told him still shooting daggers in his direction.

The man scurried off fast and Harry still hasn't opened his eyes. "Hey lovely, he's gone now and I think we should too. You look rather tired." Louis said while massaging his scalp.

They walked outside Louis' arm still around Harry's waist.

Louis drove Harry home, tucked him into bed and kissed his forehead as he slept before driving home himself to finally get some sleep.

As he entered the apartment it was dark. He walked through the kitchen into the living room and initially threw a hand over his eyes. Ashton and Luke were making out on the couch both without a tee shirt on. "Fucking hell don't ruin the couch and use protection." He said before running up the stairs.

He could only sleep at 2am because Luke's been moaning the whole time so fucking loudly.

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