part 12

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The Halloween party happened on Saturday what makes it one whole day that Louis hasn't heard of the curly haired boy.

Monday Morning Louis groaned as he saw it was snowing outside and he'll need to drive to uni by bike.


He wore a long sleeved shirt underneath his hoodie and a leggings underneath his jeans because it's really cold outside.

He's now sitting at the kitchen table with Leigh-Anne drinking some tea before his first lectures. Monday he always had drama first what makes it more acceptable.

Louis drove to school while listening to Nirvana and thinking about finally seeing his favorite dancer again.

He went through the big hallways and stopped at his locker, he still needed to get his essays that he's put in his locker. He opened the little lock and his locker sprung open. A little pink paper flew down, confused Louis took it.

Hi Louis,

thank you for taking me to the party with you. I really enjoyed it and I hope I didn't misunderstood some things because I would really want to do it again.
Would you maybe want to go to the carnival down town with me?
I actually wanted to ask that personally but I would die in shame if it wasn't a date and you're straight? So if you're or it wasn't a date please just act as if I never wrote this and we can just continue being friends.

Love Harry.

Smiling like a fool at the cute boys words Louis found Harry's number also being written on the paper since they haven't really exchanged them.

Still smiling Louis walked into his drama class and saw Harry already sitting there. He was wearing his workout sweats and a plain tee shirt.

He sat down next to Harry and grinned at him. "Good Morning, love. Isn't it a lovely day to go to the carnival or is it just me that thinks so." Louis asked him teasingly.

Harry only blushed at that and shoved him slightly. "Don't embarrass me now, Boo." He whined.

"Oh I don't, darling, why would I?" Louis chuckled and threw his arm around Harry's chair as Harry leaned into his side to hide his blushing cheeks.

Playing with Harry's curls absently he saw Mrs. Scout entering the room. "Hello my dearest class. Since we only have one month left to prepare our Musical we need to work together really good. Our theater group has learned all their texts and we'll go through all the parts through by some time. The dancers should know their dances and only practice putting it together with our singing and that's what we'll do today. We only have two songs left and one of them will be practiced today." She announced happily.

Then she handed out the song texts and began teaching us this song. It worked pretty good and after 30 minutes she seemed satisfied enough. "That was good. Now Dancers on the stage please and we'll sing you through it." She said and the dancers scurried up the stage. Louis had to take his arm away and pat Harry's leg slightly to get him to stand up.

They began practicing that together for another half an hour.

"Dreamt that's it. I'll see you tomorrow." And with that Louis stood up and approached Harry with some water. Harry took that gracefully and gulped it down. "Thanks." He smiled. "No worries. You were great stealing everyone's show, even Gigi's." He told him. Next thing he knew he was smacked in the head. "Watch your mouth, Tomlinson." Gigi snickered at which Louis just flipped her off. Gigi winked at him before turning on her heels and walking away.

Harry giggled next to him.

"Don't laugh at me now Harold." Louis teased before walking out of the room with Harry following him. "I'll meet you after third period for our I don't know if it's a date." He called before sending g him a wink and walking towards his English class.

Jade already sat at her place scrolling through her phone absently. From closer Louis noticed a hickey on her neck at which he whistled. "Jadeee you had a wild weekend, hadn't you?" He chuckled as she groaned and pulled her hoodie higher in attempt to hide the hickey.

"Shut it Lou, soon I'll see Harry run around with them and then you'll be really quiet in your corner." She told him in fake annoyance.

Louis shut up instantly which made Jade crackle.

"How is loved boy?" Jade asked him after calming her laughter.

"He's good I guess. We're going to the carnival later." He told her. As close as him and Jade were it wasn't his place to tell her that Harry's been a bit off the previous week.

"I'm so happy for you Lou, you know you've never been the dating time. Was time for someone to settle you down." She said which made Louis shove her slightly.

Third period rolled around pretty fast and he was bouncing his leg the whole time. Finally the bell ringed making him jump up and speed walking towards Harry's classroom. He waited in front of the room till Harry walked out and smiled at him.

"Hi." Louis breathed out.

Harry waved at him and then boldly took Louis' hand in his.

They walked towards the school exit hand in hand while chatting about their day. They talked about everything and nothing.

When they reached the carnival Harry's eyes lit up. "It's so pretty here Lou!" He said excitedly before skipping off and tugging Louis along. Louis laughed freely. "Harold, hold on, we've got all the time in the world." He told him sweetly before rapping his arm around Harry's waist.

"Where do you want to go first, darling?" Louis asked him.

Harry looked around and pointed to a stand eventually. "I'm pretty hungry so can we eat some crepes?" Harry asked him.

"Sure. Let's go." Louis said while tugging Harry forward to the stand. "What do you want?" He asked then and thought about what he wanted.

Harry eventually settled on simple sugar and cinnamon while Louis took chocolate. Louis payed for their food much to Harry's protest but Louis just shushed him.

When they both got their food they walked around eating and chatting quietly.

"Lou look at that teddy bear. It's so cute. Can you win that for me?" Harry asked him softly and who was Louis to deny him? He walked towards the stand and payed for one round. He has 3 balls and needed to kick down the whole cans.

After he finished he had one can standing there and the woman looked from him to Harry who was busy staring at the teddy and kicked the can down while winking at Louis. "Congratulations you did it." She said enthusiastically.

Harry looked at him wide eyed "can we have that bear please?" Louis asked her and she nodded and handed them the bear which Harry immediately hugged to his chest.

The two started walking again. It was getting dark and the crowd started fading out slightly.

"Wanna go on the big wheel?" Louis asked Harry who was looking at the bright colors of it. Harry nodded enthusiastically and they walked inside.

"Lou, you know how you said you wanted to meet my gran, were you serious?" Harry asked him when they were starting to get higher. "Of course I was." Louis answered truthfully.

"I was thinking today is Monday and she asked me if I'll come over on Friday if you wanted to go with me?" Harry asked him shyly, not looking into his eyes.

Louis beamed. "Harry of course I'd love to!" Louis said happily.

Harry smiled brightly at him.

god he just wants to kiss him so badly.

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