part 6

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Friday Morning Louis woke up way too late. He slept through his morning lecture.

Fucking hell

Quickly he got out of bed threw on some jeans. He brushed his teeth and scurried to uni. He reached uni just in time for third period. While he ran through the hallways he saw Perrie and Harry standing at a locker together. "Hi Lou!" Perrie called and waved at him. Weird. They haven't greated each other well since things ended between her and Zayn.

Still, he waved as enthusiastically as possible on a morning and called back "Hi Pez, hi Curly." And went on towards his English class.

He shared English with Jade who he found already sitting at her place. He sat down next to her and laid his head on the table while groaning about how tired he is.

Jade crackled at that. "Well Tomlinson I got only 5 hours of sleep with what I did yesterday night."


"Ewww Jade since when do I want to know something about straight sex." Louis said while making gagging noises. Jade only smacked his head as their teacher walked in.

The whole lecture Louis only thought about the green eyed boy and how good he looked yesterday when he caught a glimpse of him at the tryouts.

"Earth to Louis." Someone said while waving their hand in front of his face. "Come one it's weekend and you've been staring for the whole lecture." Jade laughed.

Right, weekend which meens homework.

They walked outside school together and drove home. Inside their dorm Louis plopped down the couch while Jade looked at him expectantly. "I'll go to Liam's for dinner, his parents will be there, and after that you'll spill what's going on inside that brain of yours."

"Meeting the parents ohoooo it's getting serious." Louis sing songs after Jade who scurried up the stairs probably getting ready. He turned on the tv and started watching.

"Loueh, help me please!" Jade screamed from her room down the stairs.

Groaning he stood up and made his way toward her room. "What do you need, princess Jade." He said in a fake posh voice. At that Jade groaned. "I don't know what to wear." She whined.

"Quit whining it won't bring you anywhere." He said while walking towards her closet. He picked out low waisted brown flare pants and a green top that reached just above her belly button so there will be a bit of space between the pants and her shirt but not too much that it's appropriate for meeting someone's parents.

"Match that with some jewelry and a big jacket and you're done." He said monotone and started leaving the room to give her privacy for changing.

After a while Jade's door opened and she walked out she was wearing exactly what Louis gave her and she even put on some natural make up. "You look really good, I'd go straight for you." He joked.

Jade crackled and shoved his shoulder. "Bye, Lou. We'll talk later." She said while skipping down the stairs and leaving the dorm.

He walked down the stairs humming to himself while thinking what to do for dinner. Ashton is already at one of his friends house and they'll be out partying and Leigh-Anne is staying at Perrie's today so it'll only be him. He decided to do some pasta.

After cooking he sat down on the couch and watched some random movie that was on now. He finished his pasta halfway through the movie and just continued to watch tv. He watched another movie and a reality tv show before Jade finally returned home at 11pm.

She walked inside her room and returned with her hair up in sweats and a sweater and no make up.

"How were the parents?" Louis asked her softly. Her past boyfriends were all dickheads with even worse parents so he approached this carefully.

She beamed at that and smiled "couldn't have gone better." She answered truthfully.

"I'm so happy for you, Liam's a good guy." He told her at which she only nodded before sitting down next to Louis and curling into his side. He swung his arm around her shoulder and hugged her into his side.

"So Tomlinson, who's got your mind all fuzzy that you've been staring at a wall for one hour today." She teased, still leaning against his side.

Louis slightly blushed thinking about Harry.

"Well I might have met, well not met rather seen, a really good looking dancer in my Musical class."

She whistled and looked at him "Describe him."

"Well for starters he's got the prettiest chocolate brown curls that he's often tucked behind a hairband, he's got gorgeous green eyes that look so pretty with the eyeliner and mascara he's often wearing. And his dimples, omg Jade you would melt, he's got fucking dimples when he smiles and his smile is so big and happy it's so endearing. Then he dances ballet and the way his body moves it's magic I've never seen anyone dance this good you know. He's even better than G, don't tell her that by the way." He said dreamily.

Jade began giggling "Someone's whipped." She sing songs.

Louis blushed, yeah made he's got a tiny crush on the green eyed dancer.

"Have you ever talked to him then?" She asked.

Louis groaned. "That's the problem Jade, I don't know how!" He whined.

"Stop whining Tomlinson it won't bring you anywhere." She quoted before standing up. "Don't worry you'll get to talk to him." Winking she walked up the stairs. She was so weird.

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