part 10

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It was Wednesday that Harry got sick.

Now it's Sunday and Louis still hasn't seen the boy. He started to get really nervous and scared.

Why was he so dumb to not exchange numbers with Harry

He was now sitting at the kitchen table trying to learn for his English class. Zayn sat next to him a seeming deep into his notes. Louis couldn't focus not like not not knowing if Harry's fine.

"Louis, man, what the fuck is up? You haven't even opened your book and your leg's been bouncing the whole time. Seriously what's wrong?" Zayn asked him, interrupting his thoughts.

"Oh nothing just thinking p, nothing important." He answered quickly and opened his book acting as if he was learning.

"Louis, I know you better than that. What's up?" Zayn asked again, softer this time.

Louis panicked, he didn't want to reveal any of Harry's secrets. Quickly he came up with something. "Should I ask Harry to be my date at the Halloween party?" He said eventually.

What the fuck Tomlinson

Zayn laughed loudly. "Thought you'd never grow a pair to ask him Tommo. But I think you should really go for it I mean that boy has a massive crush on you."

Louis blushed and just nodded.

Later that day as Louis laid in bed sleepless he thought about what Zayn had said, should he really ask Harry out? He was so confused. What's wrong with Harry? And what's wrong with his feelings now. Louis wasn't in a relationship since 6th grade. Sure he had a one night stand here and there but always no strings attached. And now here he is with that massive crush on the cute curly haired boy that he hasn't seen since 4 days.

Eventually he fell into a restless sleep hoping to see Harry the next day in drama. He woke up to his alarm screaming him awake.

What a great way to start the day.

He walked into the kitchen and found Ashton eating cereal. He greeted him and sat down next to him also eating some cereal. "We haven't really had our Mario Kart competitions lately, right. How about Friday evening? Dorm house party like old times?" Ashton asked him.

Louis laughed quietly and quickly agreed he always loved the harmony in his dorm. These people were so special.

He drove to school while listening to some Queen songs. He really didn't listen to them he thought about maybe seeing Harry again today. He had drama first class.

So he walked towards his drama classroom and sat down quietly. Gigi following soon after. He didn't understand how she could always look this happy.

Louis lost his hope of seeing Harry today after Mrs. Scout entered the room. She said something about practicing a new song but he couldn't care less.

Five minutes later someone knocked on the door softly and Louis looked up. And there he was

Harry was there.

He stood in the door frame. Wearing black sweats and a big grey hoodie. His eyes were blood shot and he had bags under his eyes. He looked like he hasn't been sleeping for days.

Mrs. Scout send him a soft smile like she knew what was up and motioned for him to sit down. Harry sat down in the back of class. Far away from Louis. He met Louis eyes and Louis send him a smile hoping to get something in return from the boy he's missed so much. Harry only shook his head and looked down.

Gigi send him an apolitical smile. "Talk to him about it Lou, he's been through much."

Louis looked at her skeptically. "How do you know?"

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