Stiles and Jackson

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I like writing the long ones better so if you want one with 100% smut or fluff you'll have to comment and request it.

Jackson had returned to Beacon Hills, but at the same time he didn't. He wasn't as rude and obnoxious anymore. And he definetly wasn't into Lydia anymore. He couldn't stand the sight of her. He hung out more with Stiles and Scott and Issac than Danny.

Not that Danny minded. He was too busy with Ethan to bother paying attention. And Lydia seemed to be okay when Jackson didn't fall right back to her, she has Aiden.

That's what Stiles thought was most suspicious.  Jackson hated competition, but he wasn't even noticing all the new kids here. He wasn't even concerned about being lacrosse captain.

Lunch wasn't super awkward like Stiles' expected it to be. It was actually nice. Jackson would sit next to him and talk his ears off, but in a good manner. Scott and Kira would do their thing, along with Ethan and Danny, then Lydia and Aiden. It seemed like everyone had someone for them.

Well Stiles didn't think he classified Jackson as his, but he wouldn't complain if they could. Stiles had always had a little crush on Jackson, everyone knew it. No one said anything about it. So it worked.

Once the school day was over Jackson stopped Stiles in the parking lot. "Last night was fun. When do I get to stop by and join you and your dad for dinner again?"

"Well I guess tonight if you'd like. Dad loves having company."

"Yeah? I'll be over at 7 then?

"Sounds good Jackson. See you then." Stiles smiled to himself before leaving for home.

Jackson's heart was racing the entire way home. How could he tell Stiles without weirding him out? Its not every day one of your best friends tells you that they're in love with you. Jackson knew Stiles used to have a crush on him freshman year, but he figured Stiles had gotten over it.

His biggest fear was that Stiles would quit talking to him, and that's the last thing he wanted. He just lived everything about Stiles. He's funny and cute and smart, so freaking smart it made Jackson smile just to think about it.


Stiles wasn't really nervous about Jackson coming over. He didn't really mind it. He liked having someone to hang out with now that Scott was hanging out with Kira all the time.

Stiles had noticed Jackson's change in behavior forever ago, but he never asked because he didn't want to upset him. As curious as he was he just let it go.

Jackson finally arrived at 7, and was greeted at the door by John. "Hey, kiddo. Didn't expect to see you too soon. Maybe you do like my cooking."

"Yeah, and the company's great too."

"Come on in, Stiles is up in his room. I'll be done with dinner in about 20 minutes. Tell him that for me?" John said as he patted Jackson on the back, ushering him in.

"I sure will." Jackson said walking up the steps.

Jackson walked up the steps and walked into Stiles' room without asking, he'd done it a million times. Only this time Stiles was shirtless, his back turned to Jackson. He had just gotten out of the shower, it was obvious to tell since his hair was wet and dripping onto his back.

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