Theo, Stiles, Derek

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Its actually been forever since I've written and I'm sorry this sucks it's just whats going on in my life right now. I need someone to be a Theo and lecture me about unhealthy relationships.

They weren't really friends. Weren't anything really. Honestly they hated each other. So when they got stuck in detention together Stiles wanted to kill himself.

"I'm sorry about your werewolf. I mean, boyfriend." Theo said abruptly.

"No you're not."

Theo nodded. "You're probably right. I honestly don't think I could stand him. To leave someone like you, someone so...beautiful behind, like they're nothing? I just don't understand it."

Stiles sighed and wiped his cheek. "Guess I never did either."

"Have you tried to move on?"

Stiles glared at him. "You don't just move on. It's love, or it was for me anyway. He gets to ride off into the sunset and I get to cry myself to sleep every night. That's how it works when you're naive and believe someone that amazing could love someone so fucked up."


"And the worst part is I didn't do anything wrong. And yet I sit here blaming myself, why couldn't I keep his attention? Why wasn't I pretty enough? Why am I left feeling like some used sex toy, when he's feeling like some king? But most importantly, what did he have that I didn't?"

"Don't compare yourself to tools like that." Theo said. "Derek lost out big time. He's not going to find someone as loyal as you are."

"And how do know I'm loyal?"

"Because even after he tore you in pieces, you'd tape yourself together just to let him do it all over again." Theo answered.

Stiles wiped his cheeks and smiled. "And that's stupid, right? It's suicidal."

Theo shrugged. "Yeah, I'll agree that it's a destructive path, but only if you let it be. You have to love yourself first, in any situation. You love him, that's completely understandable. But do you love how he makes you feel about yourself?"

He shrugged, "When he's loving me I guess."

"Do you mean sex, or is it merely attention you seek."

"I'm honestly just happy when he replies to my texts."

"So then, no. He doesn't make you feel good abut yourself."

"Not really, but he isn't doing it on purpose."

Theo nodded. "That might be true, but if some stranger can see how washed up in sadness you are, then he can. And his supposed love for you should make him want to fix that."

"I guess."

"Stiles, I'm not trying to tell you to forget about him, because you just simply won't. I'm just saying, be happy. Find something to make you happy in the times he's gone."

"But then he'll come back and hate me."

"He does the same thing in his absence. If he's deemed this to he an open relationship, you get to enjoy that right to. And if he's not okay with that, then he doesn't deserve you."

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