Mason and Danny

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Never had a scene together but they'd be cute. Sue me.

Mason had a hardcore crush on Danny. He doodled his name on binders and go to lacrosse practice to see him. Of course Danny had no idea about it. He just pretended to go with Liam.

Danny was openly gay and Mason was openly gay, so there wasn't any reason to keep his crush a secret. He even refused to tell him. But unfortunately for Mason, that little shitheas became a werewolf and could now sense emotions.

"So who is it? They're obviously on the lacrosse team. You reek right now." Liam asked, standing next to Mason at practice.


"Is it Stiles?" Liam questioned with a little bit of disgust.

"No, but he is kinda cute." Mason said looking at Stiles curiously.

Liam grabbed Mason's face. "Tell me who!'

Mason rolled his eyes. "Liam, I'm gay. How many gays do you know that's on your lacrosse team."

"Danny?!" Liam shouted.

Danny came running over. "Did you need me?"

Liam started to speak, but Mason covered his mouth. "No. He's an idiot. We were just talking."

Danny raised and eyebrow. "About me?"

Mason sighed. "Yes about you.'

Liam pulled Mason's hand off his mouth. "He likes you and I think you two should date."

Mason had to resist every urge he had to punch Liam in the face. But Danny just chuckled. "Well if that's true, come with me aftt lacrosse and I'll take you on a date. I've got to get back to practice. See ya Mason."

Mason smiled and waved until Danny was back into the game. He balled up his fist and connected hard with Liam's shoulder.

Liam grabbed it tightly. "What the hell!"

Mason shook his sore hand. "Thank you for setting up my date. I hate you for calling so much attention to it. I'll be waiting on the bleachers. Go back to practice."

Its short I'm sorry. I just couldn't make Mason smutty. He's too innocent.

And OMFG if you ship Sterek or Scisaac you have to read 'Dangerous Liaisons' by BekkaChaos. And the sequel 'Treacherous Affairs'. BEST FAN FICTION EVER.

Like and comment if you liked it. I love getting comments guys. And if I made a grammatical or spelling issue please point it out :)

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