Stiles and Derek

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Not edited.

"Stiles, are you in here?" Scott said as he stepped in slowly.

"Nope. He's dead. Dead. Gone. Killed. To death." Stiles replied in a monotone voice.

Scott stepped farther in. "There's someone here to see you."

"Not interested in being set up on a blind date with one of your friends. I told you, I'm done dating. That's one of the only things derek took when he left. My heart."


Stiles shot up off the couch to see if that voice belonged to who it used to. "Derek?" His face got cold and he straightened his posture. "Scott get out."


"Get. Out."

Scott looked back and forth between Derek and Stiles before leaving quickly. The room was silent after the door shut. Derek opened his mouth to speak, but formed no words.


"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I missed you," Derek answered, "I missed us."

Stilea scoffed. "You missed me? Ha, how fucking convenient for you, right? I wasn't the one who left."

"Stiles, I'm sorry!"

"Sorry?!" Stiles threw his arms up and scoffed. "You left me Derek! And you didn't even tell me! I just woke up one morning and you were gone. No note, no messages."

"Stiles, listen it was a mistake. Ple-"

"You left your clothes. Your clothes. I was expecting you to be out getting coffee and come home later. But you didn't!" Stiles stopped to choke back tears. "I told myself for weeks, 'He's just visiting family. He'll be back. He said he loved you.' You remember that? Telling me you loved me?"

Derek nodded. "I remember, and I-"

"Wanna know the sick part? Around the end of the third month you were gone, I wore your clothes around to make me feel like you were here. One year after you left I started making you breakfast and lunch and dinner and I'd throw your food out and pretend you said you weren't hungry."

"Scott said-"

"Oh, I can only imagine what Scott said. He's the one who found me like this. Drunk off my ass and losing my mind. I've starting drinking about 4 months after you left. Just quick about 8 months ago. That's 2 years Derek. I tried to drink away your memory because you left me with so many beautiful ones."

Tears were now streaming down both they're cheeks as Derek tried to speak again. "I know, he told-"

"I tried to kill myself-"

Derek's angry finally took over as he shifted and raised his voice. "Shut up! Let me fucking speak. I know leaving was stupid, and how I did it was childish. I thought it was best for you. I was bad for you Stiles. But I was wrong, I see that now. I'm sorry Stiles. I caused so many bad things by leaving you and I regret everything. You've for scars on your wrists because of me. So please Stiles, let me be the one to kiss them. To make them better."

"Derek, how am I supposed to believe that you won't hurt me." Stiles said, while covering his year cover face with his hands.

Derek took the opportunity to leap forward and take him in his arms. He kissed just behind Stiles' ear. "See how well you fit here? In my arms? That's how you fit in my heart. I refuse to ever be apart from you again."

Stiles squeezed Derek as tightly as he could. "Just don't leave again, Derek. I don't know what I'd do to myself."

Derek took Stiles's face in his hands and kiss him hard. "I'm not going anywhere. Not again. I'm here and I'm yours and I love you so much."

Stiles slightly smiled as more tears fell down his cheeks. "I never stopped loving you. But you are so on the couch tonight."

Derek kissed him again, this time as more of an apology. Because sorry could never really cover what he did to him.


btw sorry for being absent from this. I'm an idiot.

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