Stiles and Derek

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A/U: Derek and Stiles are both seniors at Beacon Hills High School

It was just a normal school lunch with werewolves, Stiles thought to himself, everything was calm and for once nobody was trying to kill them. That probably wouldn't last long, but he wasn't going to say anything and jinx it.

Although it was a little awkward because Derek was giving Stiles weird looks the entire time, but Stiles begged that no noticed. Scott, of course it'd be him, was the one to point it out.

"Is something wrong, Derek? Why do you keep looking at Stiles?"

Derek shrugged. "I like his shirt. So what?'

Stiles looked down at his choice of clothing. "Derek, I've worn this a million times."

"Well excuse me I just now noticed it. I'll see you guys later, I have somewhere to be." Derek threw his tray away before exiting the cafeteria.

"Well I knew he was weird, but that was a little uncalled for, don't ya think?" Malia asked.

"I don't know. I think something's up." Stiles replied.

"The go after him and 'talk about your shirt'. You're the one he was staring at." Kira said as she ate. "And you're done eating anyway."

"Fine. One of you assholes throw my things away and I'll go talk to sourwolf." Stiles left the table and walked into the hallway.

Derek immediately pinned him against the locker. Stiles flinched, as if Derek had hit him. "If you like the shirt that much then take it! I can wear my lacrosse jersey till the end of the day!"

"Tell me what's going on Stiles!"


Derek's eyes flashed blue. "Stiles, why do I keep dreaming about you? And me. Doing...things."

Stiled relaxed and sighed. "I thought this was something serious. You're dreaming about me because you like me. Trust me it took me a minute to let it sink in after I started dreaming about you. Pretty soon-"

Stiles' jaw dropped in realization of what he just said. "Wait, no, not what i meant....wait you've dreamed about me too?! Like sexual dreams or just kissy kissy dreams. Not that it's important. I'd just like to know. Actually you don't have to-"

Derek kissed him, gently though, just enough pressure for Stiles to mumble a few words before molding into the kiss. Stiles whimpered when Derek pulled away.

"Dreams like that." Derek answered before doing exactly as he was before.

Sterek ❤

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