Brett and Liam

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I honestly don't ship these two. But hey I can act like I do for a moment ;)

This is a lot better than the last chapter I swear.


Seeing Brett Talbot at his first lacrosse game definetly wasn't Liam's ideal situation. They had a little bit of a history. Quite a sexual one.

Brett noticed Liam looking and smirked, blowing him a kiss before walking away. Liam's eyes followed him into the locker room. And apparently so did Stiles'.

"Hey what the hell is he doing in our locker room!" Stiles said and pointed.

Liam knocked his hand down to keep everyone's attention from them. "I'll go check."

Stiles shrugged and let Liam go. He wasn't very concerned considering Lydia just walked over. Liamed jogged into the lockerroom and saw Brett standing there, taking off his lacrosse gear.

"You''re not supposed to be in here." Liam said, his voice shaking.

Brett smiled and pulled his shirt over his head. "How else was I supposed to get you alone?"

"Wh-why would you want me alone..."

Brett walked over to him. "Oh, you already know."

"Brett, would shouldn't-"

"Take off your gear Liam. Before I rip it off myself." Brett growled.

Liam whimpered and started taking off his gear. He hated how much power Brett had over him, yet at the same time he loved it. He craved it. Brett was bad for him, always had been. Being the submissive to a werewolf often led to unexplainable bruised and cuts. And Liam's dad was a nurse so it was hard to find excuses that would fit the damage Brett always inflicted.

"Quicker!" Brett demanded.

Liam shakingly took his gear off and pulled his shirt off afterwards. "I'm sorry..."

Brett's eyes flashed a bright yellow as he eyed Liam up and down. "Shorts. Off. Now."

Liam whimpered as he slipped out of his shorts, leaving him in just his briefs. Brett smirked and pulled his off too. "You're so handsome, little pet, so very handsome."

Liam whimpered a thank you. Too nervous to speak. He was half afraid that Brett might hit him, but knew he wouldn't. Brett never intentionally hurt Liam, and he'd even kiss the marks he left. But that still didn't take away the fear.

Brett traced a finger along his jaw. "I missed you, you know, when you moved. You stopped answering my calls and texts. I figured I'd never see you again. I completely forgot you played lacrosse."

Liam nodded. "I-I'm sorry I left. Dad was worried that someone was abusing me...because of-"

"My marks." Brett finished. "Liam, if you feel that I'm abusing you, just say so. It can all stop."

Liam shook his head. "No! I love you and what you do. We just have to be more careful, otherwise he's gonna ask again."

"Liam." Brett said. "I mark what's mine. And if you're not willing to be marked, then you're not willing to be mine."

Liam looked at the floor, knowing what he was about to say would get him in trouble. "That's what I want. To be yours. For everyone to know I'm yours." He looked up and make eye contact. "There's no point in marking me if no one even knows to look."

Brett nodded. "We can go public, if you'd like. I was never the one against it."

Liam nodded. "I know. It was different there. I had no one to support me if someone tried to bully me. Here I have a lot of friends. Mason and his boyfriend Danny, they'd be there for me, Scott and Stiles. Can we go public now.? Please."

Brett pulled Liam's face up and kissed him. It wasn't a slow one like Liam had expected, Brett knew what he wanted. And he wanted it now. The other teammates would eventually wonder where they were so he had to be quick about it. And quick and rough was his favorite.

He pulled Liam away and pushed him against a locker. And pulled down his boxers and followed with his own. He rubbed himself against Liamst butt for a moment, dripping pre cum so Liam could have some lubrication. He finally grunted and thrusted himself in.

Liam's eyes were watering from the initial pain, but he knew better than to make a sound. Brett didn't like noises, anytime Liam would make a noise other than Brett's name he would get a scratch, deeper than the other ones. He already had a scar on his lower back that he had to lie and say happened in lacrosse.

Brett thrusted in and out, going faster and harder each time. Once he was able to get all of himself in Liam's hole he started groaning and scratching. This is how the bruises got here. He's squeeze inhumanly strong, perks of being a werewolf. Liam could hear that he was close, his voice was shaking and his claws were extending.

Liam only had to moan Brett's name once before he gasped loudly and came into him. His claws dug a little into Liam's hips, like they always did. He used his hands to hold himself against the locker and panted.

"Thank you."

Liam snapped out of his senses. "What did you just say."

"Thank you." Brett paused. "I mean we're official now. So I'll need to be nice and appreciate you. And I mean I've always appreciated you so it won't be too hard."

"Now. Get dressed and hold my hand. And then we'll play lacrosse and I'll text you afterwards." Brett said.

Liam and Brett walked to their teams benches and sat. Finstock patted Liam's shoulder. "Ready?"

"I feel kinda sick though."

Finstock nodded. "It's okay. Next game you're gonna okay right?"

Liam nodded. Coach walked away but the sat back down. "Next time, do it 2 days before the lacrosse game. That way you're all rested up to play."

Coach finally walked away and Liam's face was as red as the jersey he was wearing.

I don't know if I like it. Next update is probably gonna be Monday. I have prom tomorrow and 4H practice on Sunday.

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