Stiles and Jackson

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You guys really like these two. It's shorter because I'm lazy. Sue me.

The locker room after the lacrosse game had cleared out besides Jackson and Stiles.

"Where the hell is McCall?!" Jackson slammed Stiles against the lockers.

"I'm not his babysitter. Ask Allison." Stiles answered.

"I already did! She said they broke up!"

Stiles smacked Jackson's chest. "Use your newfound werewolf senses. Scott's smell is pretty....well it's not pretty I'll leave it at that."

Jackson released Stiles. "Anytime I try to use any of my newfound senses I shift. It's a full moon dumbass."

Stiles rolled his eyes. "Wow. So rude. Find an anchor. That's what Scott did, and Derek too I guess. For Scott it was Allison, for Derek it's anger. You could use anger. You seem to have a lot of it."

Jackson laughed. "Ha. So funny Stilinski."

"Fine. Go find a girl to cuddle and keep occupied." Stiles said mockingly.

"The moon will be out in 10 minutes. I don't have time to find a girl." Jackson retorted.

Stiles knew where this was going. "Fuck. My. Life. Your place or mine."

"I'm not going home to cuddle a guy." Jackson said through gritted teeth.

"Fine. Drive your little werewolf ass to my house. We'll walk to my room, cuddle, and not speak about this ever."

"Trust me it'll stay between us."


Stiles and Jackson had been cuddling for about 3 hours. They'd realized that skin to skin contact kept Jackson calmer so they both had changed into just shorts. Jackson had dozed off, but Stiles was fighting it. He kept shifting to stay awake. It was awkward though, he had to make sure he stayed close to Jackson, who currety had his arms wrapped around him.

"Stop moving and go to sleep." Jackson mumbled.

Stiles took a deep breath and rolled over annoyed. He laid his hand across Jackson's chest, earning and unwilling smile from him. They both fell asleep peacefully, no werewolf rages or fangs or claws.


Scott was standing in the doorway of Stiles' room watching the two boys cuddle. On one hand he was profoundingly curious, but on the other hand he didn't even want to ask.

"Okay. Not going to question this." Scott said loud enough to wake the pair up. "Okay. I lied. I'm questioning this. What in the actual fuck."

"He needed an anchor. You weren't around. Wait, why weren't you around?"

Scott shrugged. "Allison. Why did he need an anchor if he made it through an entire lacroose game?"

Jackson broke out with a smile. Scott knew what he did and just laughed. Literally fell to the floor with laughter.

Stiles jaw dropped and his eyes narrowed. "Did you really just do that? If you wanted to cuddle all you had to do was ask! I'm pretty sure there's a fucking welt on the back of my head from the locker!"

Jackson kissed Stiles forehead. "All better?"

Stiles frowned. "No. Let me go. Rude."

Jackson just pulled Stiles to him and held him tighter. "No."

"Scott. Help. I'm being kidnapped."

Scott just backed out of the room. "You two have fun."

"This is my life. Kidnapped and being smothered with cuddles and he just leaves. Wow. What a bestfriend." Stiles said to no one in general.

"Shh. You like me. My newfound werewolf senses told me that.'" Jackson said with a smile.

"Why do I even speak. You've used those exact words against me twice now."

Mmhmm, Jackson mumbled as he fell back to sleep.

It sucks. I'm sorry. The next will be better. :/

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