Derek and Liam

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I don't know if I actually ship these two. Lol

Derek had agreed to babysit Scott's beta while he went out of town for a junior trip. Which meant all of them were gone. So if he needed assistance all he had was Peter. Unfortunately.

He only agreed because Liam was the cutest little werewolf beta in the history mankind. He refused to call it a crush, but that was basically what it was. But it was okay, Liam was in the same denial.

At first they say next to each other on the couch awkwardly, but Liam decided to man up and start the conversation. "So did you do any sports in high school?"

"Basketball. I tried lacrosse, but certain circumstances made it hard to play." Derek answered.

"Circumstances like??" Liam asked slowly, raising his voice to add more of a curious tone.

Derek looked at him and frowned. "My boyfriend, well ex, was the captain of the team and when we broke up he made it difficult for me to play. Don't get me wrong I can handle the hits and dish them out just as bad. But I couldn't keep control of myself. There was so many games I had to fake an injury just because I couldn't keep calm. So I quit."

Liam nodded. "I have problems with my anger. So being a werewolf with the ability to actually hurt people has kinda made it difficult for me. Then there's Scott."

"What about Scott?" Derek questioned.

Liam signed, "We fooled around a little bit. And I started to really like him and then he kinda cut me off and told me we should just be friends. He acted like it was bad. I don't know. It makes me angry to think about it. We're humans, well still. We're just expressing emotion. I don't see how it's bad."

Derek chuckled. "Yeah when he dumped me his exact words were, "This is wrong. You're a guy. I'm a guy. I don't wanna go to hell." Derek paused. "It was his dad. He was so against us."

Derek paused and rubbed his forehead. "Sorry, I'm rambling."

"No, I like listening to you. I mean it's interesting." Liam stated.

Derek and Liam talked for almost an hour about little things. Past relationships, plans for the future, it didn't get weird until Liam asked about Derek's current relationship.

Derek shrugged. "Well I mean everyone knows Stiles' and I broke up last month."

"Yeah. He was a total basketcase. He was crying every time I saw him."

Derek nodded. "I can't date a human. It puts him in too much danger."

"But you could date a werewolf?" Liam asked and Derek nodded. "I'm a werewolf."

Derek looked up at him. "No."

"Just once? If you don't like it afterwards I can leave." Liam stated.

"You're like 15-16?"

"Shut up and kiss me."

Derek sighed to himself and leaned towards the other boy, knowing he wasn't going to enjoy this. Age was a big thing in situations like this. Very big thibg.

The kiss lasted only a moment when Derek pulled away. "Look. You're cute. You'll find someone. Someone your own age."

Liam glared at Derek. "Listen here douche. I'm stuck here for 48 hours with you. Kiss. Me. Now."

"God you're a demanding little shit." Derek said as he leaned over to Liam.

I don't think Liam was fully prepared for the kiss. Hot, hard, and Derek didn't keep his hands to himself. He roamed all over Liam's body, lifting up his shirt to touch his stomach. Liam groaned when Derek worked his way down, rubbing in a tortuous way.

Derek leaned back over on the couch. "Good? Now I'm going to bed."

Liam couldn't even conjure up the words to speak. Derek was good. Really good.

Yeah. Not my best. Sorry

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