Stiles and Jackson

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Smut towards the end. Just a warning if you don't like that.

Jackson Whittemore was Mr. Popular. He drove a Porsche, played all the sports, and could get anyone he wanted, guy or girl. He'd been single for almost 2 months now and his attention was drawn to the weirdest things.

Like Stiles Stilinski, a basic nobody compared to Jackson. But regardless Jackson couldn't keep his mind, or his eyes, off of him. It was getting out of his control really. He just wanted to see Stiles 24/7 and had no idea why.

He honestly didn't see what Stiles did that drew him in. It wasn't like Stiles was trying to, he actually didn't pay attention to Jackson. He didn't even care to be honest. He didn't concern himself with socializing with preps. And that's why Jackson's attraction was so weird. The only time they'd ever spoke was when Stiles stood up to Jackson for picking on his friend Scott.

Jackson sat down at lunch, never taking his eyes off Stiles. Danny noticed and waved his hand in from of his face. "Jackson? I asked you a question."


Danny sighed annoyed. "I asked what you were doing staring at Stiles?"

"I don't know. Why does it matter?" Jackson hissed.

Danny rolled his eyes. "You can tell me. I am your best friend. And I won't judge you."

Jackson growled, "Fine. Here it is. I think I like Stiles, but I'm not exactly sure."

"How do you not know if you like someone or not?"

"I just don't. I can't stop looking at him and I wanna go up and talk to him but have no idea what I'd say and then I have the urge to be near him and protect him but I honestly do not know why."

Danny took a bite of food and nodded. "You like him. Confront him. Before you goes crazy and he feel paranoid that you keep staring."

"How do I confront him? Like we don't even talk." Jackson asked.

Danny shrugged. "After lacrosse practice? Tell coach to work him hard and then let him use the shower next to you. And then boom. Naked. Alone. Showers. With Stiles. And I mean we all know he isn't a virgin. Him and Derek did it all the time."

Jackson clenches his fork. "Danny. I didn't need all that information. Okay? I have like a raging boner at the thought of Stiles naked yet want to kill you for bringing up Derek. You douche."

Danny chuckled. "He is kinda cute thought isn't he."

"Danny. Stop."

"With those brown eyes,"


"And those little moles are to kill for."

"DANNY!" Jackson threw his fist down against the table, causing everyone to look at them. "I said stop."

"What, sitting here? Okay." Danny took his lunch tray and sat right next to Stiles.

As if Jackson wasn't pissed enough already, that was the icing on the cake. Lacrosse was going to suck for Danny. He knew not to mess with Jackson, yet did it anyway


Lactose practice rolled around and Jackson had already talked to Finstock about having Stiles play. He was game for it. Said he liked seeing failures fail, which made Jackson want to punch him in the face, but he was a good boy and didn't.

By the time practice was done Stiles was panting and Danny was limping. Scott wasn't panting a bit though, kinda suspicious but Jackson didn't bother asking. It didn't take long for the locker room had cleaned out to just Jackson and Stiles.

Stiles was rummaging through his bag. "Shit, I forgot soap and I'm not going home smelling like this."

Jackson mentally thanked the lord for this miraculous opportunity. "I've got soap, just shower beside me and we can share."

Stiles was leady stripped down to just a towel so he just took it off and started showering. Jackson joined in beside him, having to fight every urge he had to look at Stiles' body.

Stiles of course was doing the exact opposite. "Jackson, not to be weird, but you have a really nice ass."

Jackson slowly looked over to see him. Then look at his. "Thanks. Yours is nice too."

Stiles chuckled. "Yeah? They say it feels good too."

Jackson didn't know why to say so he just nodded and reached for soap. Stiles chuckled. "I was expecting that by now I'd have you ramming me against the shower wall, but obviously you're not going to without encouragement so here.."

Stiles leaned against the shower wall and stuck his butt out. "So are we doing this or what? Cause like it rough."

Jackson's erection was throbbing at this point. He was shaking due to the nervous enough he had. He walked up the Stiles, rubbing his all over his back, grazing his nails occasionally. Stiles was loving it, impatient as hell he shoved himself against Jackson.

Jackson took a deep breath in before pushing into Stiles, due to the flow of the water and Stiles' history in this certain thing it was easy to slide in.

Jackson thrusted and grabbed Stiles' shoulder to allow for a harder push. Stiles begged for more and screamed his name before Jackson finally came. He panted and leaned against Stiles, who was now facing forward kissing Jackson's face.

"How..." Jackson barely breathed out.

Stiles smiled. "Danny told me."

Jackson huffed a little laugh. Once his panting fit was over they took the soap and cleaned up. Leading to a very fun filled relationship afterwards.

This leads up to the next chapter which will be uploaded tomorrow or Saturday. :)

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