Danny and Jackson

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FIRST: In order to request a pair you have to vote for the chaiter otherwise I won't write it.

SECOND: To those of you who've voted for every chapter. ILYSM

Jackson had always had a thing for Danny. Never even denied it. He just never made it so obvious to make people ask. He constantly threw hints at Danny though. Study dates, walking him to class, carrying Danny's lunch tray when he fractured his foot, and constantly reminding him that he was everyone's type.

Danny refused to acknowledge it though. He could sense he feelings. But Jackson wasn't good for him. Danny was a nice boy, fell in love easily and cried his eyes out when he was dumped. Jackson was the opposite, his longest relationship was a year with Lydia and everyone knows how hurt she was. That's another reason he didn't want to date him. He was bisexual, Danny didn't like the idea of seeing everyone as a threat.

They were in the middle of studying for chemistry when Jackson changed the subject. "Why don't you like me?"

Dannt shut his book and sighed, knowing the ending of this conversation. "You're not my type, I've said this."

Jackson snorted. "I'm everyone's type, I've said this," he said mockingly.

"Will you just accept the fact that I don't want to be with you?"

Jackson frowned. "But there's something here, there's no denying that."

"You're m best friend, everyone crushes on them at some point. It's in like a billion novels."

"Yes and in those novels the friends generally realize how they feel is real and their love is magical." Jackson retorted.

Danny glared at him. "You couldn't handle me in a relationship."

"Is that a challenge?"

Danny nodded. "Yup. I bet you can't handle me for a month."

Jackson smirked. "I bet I can handle you for a year."

He shook his head. "Start with a month. Of you blow it, then that's it. You get one chance Jackson. If you blow it then you blow our friendship too." Danny grabbed his books and bolted out the door.

Jackson smiled, for the moment Danny was his boyfriend. And he was going to do everything he could to keep it that way.

Tomorrow at shook was tense in the morning. At first Dann wouldn't Jackson do boyfriendy things. They didn't even sit next to each other between classes. Jackson's final method of persuasion was to kiss him. So that's what he did.

Danny was on his way to science and Jackson wouldn't leave him alone. "Jackson, I've walked to this class all year, just because you're my boyfriend doesn't mean you have to walk me. I'm not a dog."

Jackson frowned. "I'm trying to prove to you that I'm a good boyfriend."

"Quit trying so hard. It looks stupid."

Jackson was utterly pissed by his remark. So he quit trying to get Danny's attention and just took it. He literally dropped his books on the floor, gathering stares from people in the hallway and a glare from Danny.

"What the hell are you do-"

Jackson pushed his lips against Danny's. At first Jackson didn't think he was gonna kiss back, but he finally did. It wasn't hot and steamy. Just calm and soft and full of emotion and nervous energy. Basically everything a first kiss should be. Jackson finally pulled away leaving Danny with his eyes closed.

"Wha-what was that?"

"Me. Not trying so hard. I think I works. Now," Jackson bet down to pick up his books, "let me walk you to class."

Danny nodded, a smile creeping on his face. He couldn't even help it. Jackson Whittemore had been his boyfriend a day and already proved he could handle a month, hell even a year like he proposed. He knew how to put Danny in his place, and hopefully he'd do it al their lifetimes.

Its short. And sucks. And idk I just couldn't get motivation to write this one. Next chapter will be smutty. Requests open for those who vote.

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